Angol fordítás. Segítesz?
Visszavittem a terméket az áruházba, ahol az eladó azt mondta, hogy nem térítheti vissza a pénzt, mivel a termék nem romlott el. Nagyon udvariatlan volt és éreztem, hogy minél hamarabb le akar rázni. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy jogom van a visszatérítésre. Amennyiben ez nem megvalósítható úgy a jogi tanácsadómhoz fogok fordulni.
I took the product back to the department store where the assistant told me he is not allowed to refund my money, because the product did not go wrong. He was very rude and wanted to get rid of me as soon as possible. I am sure I am entitled to refund my money. If it is not possible, I will be forced to consult my solicitor.

I returned the product to the department store, where the sales assistant told me, he is not allowed to refund the purchase price because the product is not faulty. He was very rude and I felt he wanted to get rid of me as soon as possible. I am sure I am entitled to a refund.
If I shall not receive monies paid, I will have no choice but to seek legal advice.
Tied sem rossz, apro hibakkal.
Viszont, ugye tudod, hogy senki nem koteles a penzt visszaadni, csak mert meggondoltad magad. Ha hibas, akkor igen. Van olyan elado, aki visszaadja a penzt, es ezt meg kell koszonni, nem eloirt eljaras.

I returned the product to the department store where the assistant told me he couldn't refund the purchase price as the item was not broken. He was very rude and I felt he wanted to shake me off as quickly as he ever could. I'm definitely sure I'm entitled to receive a reimbursement.
Shall this not take effect, I'm going to seek legal advice.
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