Angolosok, anglisztikások! Jól sikerült ezt lefordítanom? Hogyan lenne helyes?
- Lina sem tudhat mindent, és talán nem is érti, mi baja.
Lina can't know everything, and she don't even understand what is his problem.
- Az ilyesmit csak az érti meg, aki került már hasonló helyzetbe. És Tim nem az a fajta volt, aki fogja magát és elpanaszolja a bánatát bárkinek is. Szánalmas lenne.
Problems like this, only can understand who had been in the same shoes. And Tim wasn't the type who told his sorrows to everyone. That would be miserable.
- Emlékei szerint Jay sem beszélt soha a szüleiről, és amióta a nagyanyja meghalt, még kevesebbszer szólalt meg.
As far as he remember Jay never told him about his family, and since his grandma died he spoke even less.

"Lina can't know everything, and she don't even understand what his problem is."
"Only those who had been in such a situation can understand problems like this. And Tim wasn't the type who would tell his sorrows to everyone. That would be miserable."
"As far as he remembers Jay never told him about his family, and since his grandma died he had been speaking even less."

- Lina sem tudhat mindent, és talán nem is érti, mi baja.
Neither Lina knows each and every thing, and it's possible that she is unable even to comprehend what her problem is in real.
- Az ilyesmit csak az érti meg, aki került már hasonló helyzetbe. És Tim nem az a fajta volt, aki fogja magát és elpanaszolja a bánatát bárkinek is. Szánalmas lenne.
Such problems can only be perceived by those who were in the same shoes. And Tim was not the kind of person who takes his sorrows and pass them over to anyone's shoulders. That would be mean.
- Emlékei szerint Jay sem beszélt soha a szüleiről, és amióta a nagyanyja meghalt, még kevesebbszer szólalt meg.
To the best of his memories, Jay never had talked to him about his parents, and since his grandma died, he had even spoken less.

Lina can't know everything and most likely, she doesn't even understand what is bothering her.
The only people who would understand are those who have been in similar situations.
Tim wasn't the type to complain and tell everyone about his sorrows . That would be pitiful.
According to his/her recollections, Jay has never spoke about his parents and since his grandmother past away, he spoke even less.

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