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Jó angolofok! Mit jelentenek az alábbi angol mondatok? (Többi lent! )

Figyelt kérdés

1. mondat: Our Engineering Corps is currently short of things to do, however they have found a province without any fortifications and have taken upon themselves to sort this out

2.mondat: Our Engineering Corps has found a minor fortification that could do with some improvements

3.mondat: Our Engineer Corps is always finding ways to keep themselves occupied. Today they upgraded a fortification in one of our province

4.mondat: Nobility concerned with the loss of privileges

5.mondat: It has been discovered that one of our largest fortifications is no longer up to the job after a bout of complacency in our engineer corps.

6.mondat: If the experts are getting complacent I am sure things must be fine

Köszönöm mindenkinek!

2016. jún. 28. 15:15
 1/1 A kérdező kommentje:
2016. jún. 28. 15:58

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