Hogyan fordítanátok le az alábbi szöveget?
Sok hiba van benne, de egyik ismerősöm megkért fordítsam már le mert fogalma sincs mit szeretne a levél küldője kifejezni. Bevallom én se, tele van helyesírási hibákkal.Leírom a mail szövegét, ha lennétek oly szívesek lefordítanátok nekem, és magyarosítanátok? tele van hibákkal fogalmam sincs mit akar kifejezni.
I am well okay with the cost of the accomodation. But i want you to please help me out and charge additional 6500€ which you are to send to my travel agency that deals with our plane tickets. that is you will take on my credit card the amount of reservation of the rooms plus the sum of 6500€ for our plane tickets and send the 6500€ by Money Gram or western union international to the agency Lopez Travelling Agency located in West Africa I will send to you the contact of the agency at the convenient period.
We ask you moreover to render this service to us, because the travel agency do not have facilities to credit cards and cannot charge credit cards directly for the payment of the plane tickets and for your service renderedm we are to give out to offer to you a commission of 700€ for this service which you will render to us. Meanwhile Below is the amount you are to charge to my credit card.
Se get back to me now with the overall cost se that i cans end you my cradit card details for you to charge for the payment.
very cordially

Nekem is. Olyan craigslist-es csalonak. Nem ertem mit zagyval pedig lassan 11 eve angol nyelvteruleten elek...6500 euro? meg 700 ebbol jutalek? Miert?

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