Tudnátok egy olyan (legalább 6-7 szóból álló) angol mondatot írni, amiben azt a szót használjátok, hogy "perpetuate"?
As archbishop of Toledo he exerted himself to protect the clergy from the obligation to pay the excises or octroi duties known as "the millions" and thereby helped to perpetuate the financial embarrassments of the government.
He appealed to the hope of the Habsburgs, "our beloved Archduke Francis Joseph," to perpetuate the ancient glory of the dynasty by meeting half-way the aspirations of a free people.
Nations are possessed with an insane ambition to perpetuate the memory of themselves by the amount of hammered stone they leave.
While occupied with work on committees and in administration he pressed forward several schemes of reform, including a large measure of law reform prepared by a commission presided over by Matthew Hale, and the settlement of the church; but very little was accomplished by the parliament, which seemed to be almost exclusively taken up with the maintenance and increase of its own powers; and Cromwell's dissatisfaction, and that of the army which increased every day, was intensified by the knowledge that the parliament, instead of dissolving for a new election, was seeking to perpetuate its tenure of power.
STB: [link]
Köszi! Igazából nem nagyon tudtam ezzel a szóval hogyan is lehetne mondatot alkotni.
Az egyik filmben egy csaj k**vának tettette magát, és egy srác mondta neki, hogy "That's so messed up, you're just perpetuating it", és nem értettem, hogy miért nem inkább a "pretend" szót használja.
perpetuate hatred or gossip
perpetuate the discrimination
perpetuate the police state
perpetuate the status quo
perpetuate a problem
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