Kezdőoldal » Közoktatás, tanfolyamok » Nyelvtanulás » Mit jelent nagyjabol a szoveg?

Mit jelent nagyjabol a szoveg?

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Udv! Meg szeretnek kerni egy olyan embert aki tud angolul, hogy nagyjabol el tudna nekem mondani ezt a szoveget hogy mirol szol? Elegge lehangol amikor eszembe jut, es tudni szeretnem hogy nagyjabol mirol szol!

The one man on the planet that'll drive off of the Grand Canyon

Hop out of a Grand Am and land in it handstandin

Any man plannin to battle will get snatched out of his clothes

so fast it'll look like an invisible man standin

I'm headed for Hell, I'd rather be dead or in jail

Bill Clinton, hit this (here) and you better inhale

Cause any MC that chooses to go against me

is gettin takin advantage of like Monica Lewinksy (Leave me alone!)

Came home in a frenzy, pushin a ten speed

Screamin to Aunt Peg (AUNT PEG!!!!)

with three spokes stickin out of my pant leg

Fuck a headache, give me a migraine

Damnit I like pain (AHH!)

and you should be anywhere that a mic ain't

You rap knowin you wack

You act up and I'm throwin you down a flight of steps

then I'm throwin you back up em

If they don't like the track, fuck em

The rap struck em harder then gettin hit by a Mack truck

and then backed up on

And any half-assed known rapper to trespass

better be ready for the second Celebrity Deathmatch (Ding! Ding!)

So tell the medic to bring the medication and quickly (Hurry up man!)

I'm sicker than a Tupac dedication to Biggie

I'm free-fallin feet first out of a damn tree

to stampede your chest 'til you can't breathe

And when I'm down to my last breath

I'ma climb the Empire State Building and get to the last step

and still have half left

nagyon megkoszonom nektek!

2015. szept. 5. 01:44
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