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A zene mindenkiből más érzelmeket vált ki.Van akiből boldogságot és van akiből szomorúságot de olyan is van hogy valakinek rendet tesz a fejében/ a zűrzavarban. Nekem bármilyen hangulatom van, zenét mindig hallgatok.Ha boldog vagyok boldogabbá tesz, ha szomorú vagyok feltölt és ha esetleg mérges lennék akkor lenyugtat.A zene jó dolog2013. nov. 6. 18:07
2/10 anonim válasza:
The music induces other emotions in from who happiness and is from who sadness but so is that makes order in exchange of him for somebody/ in the chaos. I have any kind of mood, I listen to music always.if I am happy happier one does, if I am sad recharges and if I would be angry then possibly calms down.the music good thing
3/10 anonim válasza:
I'm so so horny. Come here big boy.. Fuck my dirty asshole with your huge cock, and after you gaped my little butthole, stick your dirty dick to my mouth.
4/10 anonim válasza:
Music can create different feelings in any kind of people. It makes someone happy, and someone become sad of it, but it can clean the mess in heads. I always listen music, whatever mood in I am. When I'm happy it makes me happier, when I'm sad it could cheer me up and if I become angry it'll calm me down. The music is a good stuff.
and now gimmee yo maney bich!! this nigga aint know jokes.
5/10 anonim válasza:
Music brings up different emotions from everybody. Some feel happy and some feel sad, but in some cases it straightens things up in the head / brings order to the chaos.
I always listen to music, no matter what mood I'm in. If I'm happy it makes me even happier if I'm sad it charges me up, and if I happen to be angry it calms me down. Music is a good thing.
6/10 anonim válasza:
(Csak most nézem: az első sorban az "in some cases" helyett inkább "sometimes"-t használnék. 18:21-es voltam.)
7/10 anonim válasza:
Music gives a different impression to everyone. Some people it cheers up and some it breaks down, moreover for some it helps put things back together. As far as I'm concerned in any mood I am I always listen to music. If I'm happy I become even happier, if I'm sad it cheers/ sets me up and if I'm angry it calms me. Music is a good thing.
8/10 A kérdező kommentje:
köszönöm szépen mindenkinek:) még a kanosoknak is!:DD
2013. nov. 6. 18:28
9/10 anonim válasza:
Music can cause differing emotions inside everyone. Like happiness or sorrow, but also, it can reorder things in the listener's head; in the chaos. No matter what mood I am in, I'm just listening to music all the time. When I am happy it makes me happier, when I am sad it tops me up, and when I am upset it soothes me. Music is great!
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