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Figyelt kérdés

Choosing a DJ

If you're having a big party for a wedding or an important birthday , then maybe you need a Dj , DJs are great if you don't have enough money or space to have a live band. A live band is more fun to watch, but a good DJ

can be very entertaining and can keep people dancing all night.


If you decide to have a DJ, the most , important thing to consider is quality.

DJs need to be reliable, they need to have professional equipment, and they need to be experienced. And good DJs can be difficult to find.

Style of music

When you're hiring a DJ it's important to make sure that you like the music they play. If they're experienced , they should ask you what kind of people will be there . This information will help - and a good Dj always wants to entertain people.


Different : DJs can have very different amounts of equipment, from smail CD and minidisc players to large sound systems and disco lighting , and even life dancers. It's important to ask how much equipment the DJ has so you can plan an appropriate space for him will be able to adapt his or her equipment to your needs.


When booking a DJ it's important to understand that you get what you pay for. Experienced DJs are in demand and ask for higher fees than newer , less experienced DJs. A good DJ means a great party , so try to spend as much as you can. And don't forget to enjoy yourself !

2013. ápr. 8. 19:37
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