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Jol irtam ezt le angolul?

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Fogalmazast kellet irni es netrol +sajat szovegből ezt raktam össze,sok benne a hiba vagy ti mit valtoztatnatok rajta? Köszi:

In Hungary in most houses the meals are breakfast, lunch and supper. Hungarian breakfast consists of milk or tea, some cold meals or rolls, different jams, honey and toast.Normaly I eat 3 times a day.

I start my day with breakfast at 6.30. I have a cup of tea with lemon for a drink and to eat I have porridge or milk rice or or I sometimes buy a cocoa snail

At school at 9.30 it is time for my snack. I usually have an yoghurt and some drink. Some people just eat an apple or a banana or drink a cup of tea/coffee. At weekends we have a more relaxed breakfast; we often eat ham and eggs or gypsy toast.

Lunch is the second meal of the day and people have it between twelve and half past two depending on the time of the lunch break at work. At 1.30 I have lunch in a school canteen. Lunch consists of three courses: firstcomes some soup. . I don´t like soup in the school canteen. The second course is either some meat with garnish. The main dish is usually pork or beef meat and potatoes or rice. Once a week we have sweet meal at school. The third course is always some cake or depending on the season of the year fresh or stewed fruit. Sometimes I have snack at 4.00, too. It consists of a glass of milk and some fruit ( banana, apple, orange, tangerine ). At 6.30 it is time for dinner.I eat together with my family and we usually eat Spaghetti,pizza or Gyros. Sometimes I eat chocolate in bed.

2013. jan. 12. 18:46
 1/4 anonim ***** válasza:
Elég sok.
2013. jan. 12. 19:30
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/4 A kérdező kommentje:
2013. jan. 12. 20:33
 3/4 anonim ***** válasza:

Pl miért van mindig az mondat elején a határozó, és ha már ott van akkor miért nincs vesszővel elválasztva?

In Hungary

At school

At 1.30

At 6.30


2013. jan. 12. 20:45
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/4 anonim válasza:
Ez sem lesz tokeletes, de irok valamit ami angolosabban hangzik: Usually in Hungary we have 3 meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner. The typical Hungarian breakfast consists of milk or tea, toasts or rolls, jam, honey and some other cold meals. I eat 3 times a day as usual. I start the day with a breakfast at 6:30, a cup tea with lemon, porridge or milk rice. Sometimes I have cocoa snail as well. At 9:30 in the school I eat a light snack, a yoghurt and some drink. Some people eat only an apple or a banana and a cup of coffee or tea. In weekends, we take more time to have a larger breakfast and as such, we often have something cooked like ham and eggs or French toasts. People have lunch between 12 and 1:30pm depending on their schedule at work. I have my lunch at 1:30pm in the school canteen. I usually have 3 meals; soup (I don't really like the one, that they cook at the canteen), meat with side dish and digestives. The main course is pork or beef with potato or rice most of the time, however, once in a week we have sweet main course like chocolate milk rice. Finally I have some dessert, cake, fresh fruit or compote, according to the season. Sometime, I also have my tea at 4 pm, a glass of milk with some fruit: banana, apple orange or tangerine. I have dinner with my family at 6:30pm. We Usually eat pasta for the dinner, like spaghetti or pizza and occasionally we can have gyros as well. Sometimes I eat chocolate in the bed.
2013. jan. 14. 19:27
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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