Angolosok, milyen igéket nem lehet folyamatos alakban használni?
see, hear, smell, taste, feel, love, like, want, be, understand, forget, remember, have, contain, depend stb.
Hogy ez jobban megjegyezhető legyen, többféle csoportra is szoktuk bontani ezeket az igéket:
érzelem (mentális),
see, hear, smell, taste, feel like, love, want, adore think of, understand, forget, remember be, depend, contain, have
Fizikai érzékelésből mindössze 5 van, s mind az öt fel van sorolva. A többi csoporthoz számos egyéb szót, szinonimát adhatunk hozzá - lényeg, hogy a csoport jellegzetességét jegyezd meg: semmi sem tehető folyamatosba, ami valamiféle érzelmi viszonyulást fejez ki, vagy ami valamilyen mentális "agyi" folyamatot jelöl. Sajnos a stb. csoportot meg kell jegyezni darabonként.
Az előzőekben felsoroltakon kívül:
Nem szokás folyamatos jelenben használni:
need, belong, understand, contain igéket és a létigét.
You're perfectly right Winnie. Must be a fooling fool.
To be serious, it's completely such a vain question to ask that.
"see, hear, smell, taste, feel like, love, want, adore think of, understand, forget, remember be, depend, contain, have"
My suggestion is, however, to memorize sentences, and counter-centences. So as to through that ungracious cast of substantial stones reverse I hereby turn it into soft and luscious bread and enlist a few sample sentences:
Who can you see? I can see the doctor. (vagy do you see)
I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow.
Hearing is believing.
I cannot hear you in this noise.
She could smell the scent of the apple pie from the kitchen.
Passion fruit. What does it taste like?
We're going to wine tasting tomorrow.
"It feels like a virgin."
I'm feeling sick of this.
Make love not war.
"Loving me, loving you, ahhaaa..."
I don't love you anymore, because you betrayed us.
"I'm lovin' it."
What the hell do you want?
She us so adorable. I said I adore her like no one else.
Can you think of an island floating over in the sky?
The engineer understood well he was responsible for his men.
Forget me not.
"That pimple, he's forgetting manners."
We all remember the horrible pictures of 9/11.
To be or not to be. That's the question.
What's wrong her being happy.
The burden of being at Kirkegaard.
It depend on when, where and why.
I said, contain yourself.
I'm having such a good time and cannot tall you. I's just awesome.
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