Nagyon f0ntos lenne! Hogy van ez a szöveg angolul?
Figyelt kérdés
Először nem tudtam hogy mit kellene csinálnom. Aztán amikor lenyugodtam oda mentem hozzá hogy autogramot kérjek azonban a testőrök nem akartak a közelébe engedni. Ezek után szomorúan vettem tudomásul hogy nincs semmi esélyem hogy közelebb tudjak férkőzni hozzá. Már éppen el akartam menni amikor nagy sikítozásra lettem figyelmes. Az angol királynő szívrohamot kapott és nem volt senki ott aki tudod volna segíteni rajta. Azonban én tudtam hogy kell újraéleszteni és rögtön a segítségére siettem. Nekem köszönhetően él még ma is az angol királynő!
Nyugodtan lehet változtatni a megfogalmazásán!Elég hogyha csak a tartalma egyezik! Köszönöm!
2012. okt. 11. 17:05
1/4 anonim 


First, I didn't know what I should do. And then when I calmed down, I went ahead of him in order to get an autograph, however, I could get through the security guard. After all this I admitted sadly that I have no chance to get closer to him. I was just about to leave when I suddenly heard a big noise. The queen of England got a heart attack and there wasn't anybody who could help her out. But I knew how to reanimate people and I hurried to help immediately. It's my merit that the queen of England has lived so far.
2/4 anonim válasza:
At first I didn't know what should I do. As soon as I chilled out I went to her for an autograph, but the bodyguards didn't want me to approach her. Then I sadly realized that I hadn't any opportunity to approach her. That very moment I decided to go away when I heard a loud scream. The Queen have had a heart attack and there was nobody to help her. Nevertheless I knew how to reanimate her and I immediately went to help her. Thanks to me, the Queen lives still in our days!
3/4 A kérdező kommentje:
Nagyon szépen köszönöm!!!
2012. okt. 11. 19:13
4/4 anonim 


In the beginning, I did not know what to do at first. But when I pulled myself and settled myself I was on my way to go up to her for her autograph. Though I could not get through as her bodyguards did not let me any closer to her. Sadly enough, I had to recognise that there was no chance at all for me to finally get her signature. I was already on the way to leave the scene altogether when, all of a sudden, a loud screech was to be heard. The Queen of England had a heart attack and there was no one to approach and help her. And now I exactly knew what to do and how to revive her. So it happened that the Queen of England is still alive, even today, thanks to me and myself.
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