Hogy mondják ezt a négy magyar mondatot angolul?
Sokkal kevesebb időbe tellett kitakarítanom a házat, mint amire számítottam.
Miután megvettem a mosógépet és a porszívót, mindössze 2 fontom maradt.
Outland, mielőtt az 1954-es függetlenségi háború kivívta önállóságát, Fantázia gyarmat volt.
Láttad azt a különös, fényes tárgyat, amely az égen mozgott?

It took me a lo less time to clean he house, than i had expected.
After i bought he washing machine and the vacuum cleaner, i only had 2 pounds left.
Have you seen that weird, shining object that was moving on the sky?

It took me much shorter to clean the house than I expected.
After I bought the washing machine and the vacuum cleaner I had only 2 pounds left.
Outland before it fought out its independence in the war of independence in 1954 was a Fantasy colony.
Did you see that strange, shiny object that was moving across the sky?

It took me much less time to houseclean than I thought.
After I bought the washing machine and the vacuum cleaner I had only 2 pounds left.
Outland, before it gained independence in the 1954 war, was a fantasy colony.
Did you see that bright object travelling in the sky?
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