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Egy jó angolos tudna segíteni?

Figyelt kérdés

Itt az a feladat, hogy a lehetséges válaszok közül ki kell választani a legjobbat(az első mindig az eredeti, vagyis akkor a mondatban nincs hiba)

1. The temperature dropped suddenly last night, which will mean that the shoots emerging from the soil will be killed by the frost.

A. which will mean that the shoots emerging from the soil will be killed by the frost.

B. which will mean that the frost will kill the shoots emerging from the soil

C. and this will mean that the shoots emerging from the soil will be killed by the frost

D. and the resulting frost will kill the shoots that are emerging from the soil

E. and as a result, the shoots will be killed by the frost, emerging from the soil

2. Among the many reasons for his defeat in the election was his arrogant assumption that his constituents were incapable of understanding economic conditions, and his unwarranted attack on his chief opponent.

A. was his arrogant assumption that his constituents were incapable of understanding economic conditions

B. were his arrogant assumption that his constituents were incapable of understanding economic conditions

C. were his arrogant assumptions that his constituents were incapable of understanding economical conditions

D. were his arrogant assumption that his constituents would be incapable of understanding economics

E. was the arrogant assumption that his constituents was incapable of understanding economic conditions

3. After arduous months of fighting, the sight of the white flag being raised generated as much relief on the victor's side than it did on the vanquished.

A. as much relief on the victor's side than it did on the vanquished

B. as much relief among the victors as among the vanquished

C. as much relief on the victor's side as it did on the vanquished's

D. relief both on the victor's side as well as on the vanquished's

E. relief both for the victor and the vanquished side

Itt ugyanaz a feladat, csak itt nincsenek megadva lehetőségek. Van olyan is, amiben nincs hiba.

4. It is and old criticism of the medical profession that they have considered the symptoms and causes of disease without sufficient reference to the causes of health.

5. The tribesmen made offerings to placate the gods, whom, they believed, were angry with them.

6. It will be hard to soothe your mother now that you have so aggravated her by refusing to take her eminently sensible advice.

2011. nov. 24. 00:38
 1/7 anonim ***** válasza:
egy kempingszékkel jobban járnál
2011. nov. 24. 03:10
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/7 A kérdező kommentje:
Ezt hogy érted?
2011. nov. 24. 03:16
 3/7 anonim ***** válasza:

úgy, hogy ilyenkor már nem fogsz értelmes válasz kapni


1 A


3 A




2011. nov. 24. 03:21
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/7 A kérdező kommentje:

Én sem ma éjjelre számítottam. Gondoltam ha most felteszem, holnap délelőtt hátha vki válaszol.

Amúgy az első három biztos nem A, mert nagyon ritka, hogy hibátlant adnak.

2011. nov. 24. 03:40
 5/7 anonim ***** válasza:

1 - D

2 - B

3 - C

4 - that they consider

5 - the gods who they believed to be angry with them

Az utolsot nem tudom :)

2011. nov. 24. 17:21
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 6/7 A kérdező kommentje:

Megnéztem a megoldókulcsot és a 3. mondaton kívül jók a válaszaid.

Amúgy miből jöttél rá? Én már régóta küzdök vele, de mindig csak 50%-osra tudom megírni.

2011. nov. 24. 19:29
 7/7 anonim ***** válasza:

A 3-asra mi volt a jo megoldas? En a C es az E kozott vacillaltam. Nem nagyon gondolkodtam rajta amugy, nem tudom, mibol jottem ra. De azert annyira az en megoldasom se jo akkor, ha egyet elrontottam egynel meg nem talaltam hibat :)

De pl akkor vegyuk a masodikat:

Mivel ket dolgot emelunk ki a many reasons kozul, ezert mindenfelekeppen were, a ket megoldas ami ugy kezdodik, hogy was alapbol nem jo, igy marad harom. Az assumptions nem jo, mert csak egy feltetelezes van, nem tobb, igy a C is kiesik. A B es a D marad versenyben, de itt csak a B-nek van ertelme, hiszen a valasztopolgarok az adott idoben levo kepessegeit becsmerelte, ezert B.

2011. nov. 24. 23:09
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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