Hogy fordítod angolra? Hálás lettem volna, ha tudtál volna segíteni.

I'm going to correct your mistakes. Next time, either learn English properly, or take better care when posting. Currently as your post is standing, it is making you look foolish.
Why didn't you help me, son of a bitch??? I wanted to give you a blow job but now forget it, looser.

Nothing wrong for not being able to spell, but when you want to look smart with your filth, then you should take the time to put your spellchecker on, otherwise you're dismissed for a sh.thead. Do enjoy this lovely day!
From Oz:
i see that you don't like criticism... and i don't give a f@ck about what you say....
ps. you can delete this one also, i don't care...

From Oz:
sure, whatever looser....
and you should switch of the computer and get out of the room... there is real people outside you know.... life that is....

Thanks for your advice.
I can assure you, I do have a life, and it is a rather interesting one. I am out and about for 10-11 hours of the day. You know, such mandate things like work, family, entertainment, etc. So do not worry about my lifestyle habits, they are healthy, life is sooo good.
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