Melyik szó illik ebbe a mondatba?
Ez az alap mondat:
"It was such a boring film that I almost fell asleep."
"Such was the ... of the film that I almost fell asleep."
A ... helyére mit kellene írni? Előre is köszönöm!

Találtam egy példát , hogy jobban érthető legyen:
1. It is such a popular play that the theatre is likely to be full every night.
2. Such is the popularity of the play that the theatre is likely to be full every night.

talán : Such was the bored of the film that I almost fell asleep.
így talán?

"Such was the STORYLINE of the film that I almost fell asleep.
Igy nem valami jol hanzik, biztos hogy "such was"-al kell hogy kezdodjon?
Mert ha nem, akkor hagyhadod eredetiben a mondatot, es a boring helyett ezekkel: dull, monotonous, repetitive, unimaginative, uneventful, lifeless, uninspiring, unstimulating, stale,.

egyszerű wordformation feladat:
én tuti nem mondanék ilyet, és ők is eléggé elvétve teszik, de megteszik :-))))
"In fact, I was cheering for them before they even made an appearance such was the boredom induced by the first half of the film..."
"I had to walk out after 1 and a half hours such was the boredom induced by this snoozefest - really awful film"

"Such was the boredom of the film that I almost fell asleep"
Hulyeseg. Egy angol anyanyelvu ilyet nem mond, csak egy kulfoldi.
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