Akik nagyon tudnak angolul,ez így nyelvtanilag helyes ?
...... ( Nev ) , my most Precious Darling!
i wish you Happy Birthday, Health, a Joyful Life and endless Happiness!
i would give a thousand Lives if I had, not only one to see your Face, your sea blue eyes,to be with you and feel your Breath on my skin.
I miss You in every second of every hour when i am not with you.
You are my Happiness on earth and you will be on the other side .
In Love , ..... Nev

"If I had thousand lives I would be able not just only to see your face, your eyes colour of sea blue eyes, to be with you and feel your breath on my skin but try to make you even more happy."
Ennek se füle se farka.
Azt írta eredetileg, ha volna 1000 élete, odaadná érte.
Ez ebben hol van?

"i would give a thousand Lives if I had, not only one to see your Face, your sea blue eyes,to be with you and feel your Breath on my skin."
Ha lenne 1000 életem, nemcsak egy azért, hogy lássam az arcodat, szemeid stb...
Ennek mi értelme van?

Amit én írtam azt jelenti, hogy:
"If I had thousand lives I would be able not just only to see your face, your eyes colour of sea blue eyes, to be with you and feel your breath on my skin but try to make you even more happy."
Ha lenne ezer életem nemcsak arra lennék képes, hogy lássam az arcod, szemeid hanem torekednék arra, hogy még boldogabbá tegyelek.
Nézd meg bármilyen fordítón.
(mondjuk Google fordítón). Nem hazudok.
De hát na.
Egyébként ennek a résznek se van bőven ertelme:
"You are my Happiness on earth and you will be on the other side ."
A boldogságomat jelented a Földön és te a másik oldalon leszel.
Hol lesz?

Nev ), my most Precious Darling!
I wish you Happy Birthday, Health, a Joyful Life and endless Happiness!
I would give a thousand lives if I had, not only this one, to see your golden hair, your sea blue eyes, to be with you and feel your breath on my skin.
My soul is Prisoner of sadness until I can see your blessed face and hear your soothing voice.
I miss You in every second of every hour when I am not with you.
You are my Happiness on this Earth and you will be on the other side.
In Love , ..... Name
Ez most az új verzió.
Köszönöm mindenkinek aki tényleg segíteni akar

"You are my Happiness on this Earth and you will be on the other side."
Hol lesz?
Távol tőled? Vagy orgazmusa lesz?
Take me to the other side - Vigyél a másik oldalra - orgazmus az angol nyelvben, mert "kishalálnak" tartják.
"idiom. —used to say that a situation will change and someone will stop being happy or pleased."
Ami ezt jelenti, hogy a helyzet megváltozik, és valaki nem lesz boldog vagy elégedett.
Miért nem úgy írod mint pl.
You are my Happiness on this Earth even there are thousands miles between us."
Vagy...even if you are on the other side of this planet?
A vége se jó.
Nem In love hanem With love, vagy best wishes.
"Can you say with love in a letter?
In general, you would close a letter to a family member of close friend with "Love," "Best love," "Fondly," "Affectionately." If you are writing to someone you know less intimately you might use "All the best," "As always," "As ever," "With love," or, depending on the relationship, "Affectionately."
In love azt jelenti, hogy szerelmes vagy. Egyáltalán nem a levél lezárásához való.
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