Hogy lennének helyesek a következő angol mondatok?
Szakmai cikkelemzést kellett írnom, amiben a tanárom megjelölte a kijavítandó hibákat. Ezzel a kettővel nem tudtam mit kezdeni :(
() rész, amivel valami baja van.
The author concludes that the main reason for overlooking this problem is the lack of recognition; (for most of the owners it is considered) to be ‘normal’ because of the age of their cat. Furthermore, cats are notoriously good at masking sings of illness.
-nyelvtani hiba-
Laboratory technicians (also could) test (the) synovial fluid collection, () cytological and bacteriological evaluation, but they are rarely indicated in cats with osteoarthritis.
-1. nyelvtani hiba, 2. linking word plus verb missing-
Másodiknak valami ilyesmi?
Laboratory technicians could also do synovial fluid collection, moreover, make cytological and bacteriological evaluation, but they are rarely indicated in cats with osteoarthritis.
Synovial fluid collection az mi ?
(szinoviális folyadék)
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