It was a normal Saturday in Cranford. At about 10 o'clock, John Andersin was cycling to a lake near the town. He was going fishing. There was a dam at one end of the lake. What happened next, John? Well, while I was crossing the dam, I saw a crack in the wall. Water was coming through the crack. It was going to flood the town, What did you do? when I saw it, I turned round and I cycled back to the town as fast as possible. When I reached the town, I shouted, the dam's breaking! The dam's breaking! What were people doing when you reached the town? They were shopping and some children were playing. What did people do when they heard you? Everyone grabbed their children, pets and things and ran indoors. Where did you go? As I was cycling past the post office, Mrs Roberts shouted, Quick, come in here. I ran into the post office and Mrs Roberts shut the door. What happened next? About a minute later the water went past- It picked up cars, and it carried them down the street like toys. It was very scary. The water damaged a lot of cars and buildings, but everybody was safe, thanks to you, John. Yes, but now I can't go fishing, because we haven't got a lake!

Ezen mi az amit megcsináltál? Rányomtál egy szövegfelismerőt?:D
Sztem az első válaszoló nem erre gondolt, ez egy fél perces "munka" google kereséssel együtt...
Sztem amire a válaszoló gondolt, hogy te megpróbálod leforditani, beirod ide és azt majd kijavitja.

Hát... pedig nekem kb annyi volt.... kimásolod a kepfeltöltős URL-t, beirod a googlebe hogy "online ocr", ott beilleszted az URLt és rányomsz hogy start vagy vmi hasonló.
Kipróbáltam, nem volt több fél percnél.
De örülök, hogy rájöttél, hogy menni fog magadtól. Azért házi feladat, hogy egyedül csináld meg, ne mással csináltasd.

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