Van valaki, aki megtenné, hogy segít egy-egy bekezdést lefordítani egy angol cikkből? (kicsit orvosi szakszöveg)

The CC is especially suitable for the current study because
it yields variables reflecting the rate and types of errors and
exogenous/endogenous influences on errors. The functional
similarity and visual similarity between distractors and
targets were considered to reflect endogenous influences on
CC errors. If errors are influenced by an internal action plan
(or internal object representation), then distractors that are
highly similar to targets will be selected over distractors that
are dissimilar to targets. Prior evidence with brain-damaged
patients attests to an effect of distractor–target similarity
on action errors (Cooper & Shallice, 2000; Giovannetti,
Libon, Buxbaum&Schwartz, 2002; Reason, 1990; Schwartz
et al., 1995). Even more to the point, in healthy adults, the
salience of various visual and functional distractor features
is modulated by the participant’s intention (i.e. action plan;
Bekkering & Neggers, 2002; Boutsen & Humphreys, 2003;
Pavese & Buxbaum, 2002; Remington & Folk, 2001). For
example, handled cups are more distracting when subjects
intend to grasp than poke a target (Pavese & Buxbaum,
2002). In a normative study of the CC with healthy participants,
distractor–target similarity had a greater effect on
errors than chance (see Appendix A).
The proximity of distractors to the acting hand and to the
target were assessed as indicators of exogenous influences on
CC errors. Selection based on distractor location reflects the
influence of the environment or object array (exogenous),
not the internal action plan (or object representation). Distractor
location has been shown to affect performance in a
range of reach-to-target tasks (Buxbaum & Permaul, 2001;
Tipper, Howard,&Houghton, 1998; Tipper, Lortie&Baylis,
1992; see also Graziano, Yap & Gross, 1994). Additionally,
we have shown that these factors influenced distractor selection
more than chance in a normative study of the CC (see
Appendix A).

The CC (Coffee Challange)is a standardized naturalistic task
Egyébként annyi a lényeg, h alien-hand syndrome-ban szenvedő betegnek kellett végrehajtani ezt a feladatot.
Participants were asked to make two cups of coffee (one
for Joe and one for Martha). As shown in Table 1, eight
unique, but similar objects were used for each cup and were
present on a U-shaped testing table throughout the task. The
tabletop was divided into 16 sections, each containing an object,
and a central workspace as shown in Fig. 3.
Object placementwas standardized so that the object array
was the same across participants, but differed from trial to
trial. Prior to each trial, several of the corresponding objects
for each cup (e.g. the two mugs; the two sweeteners) switched
places. For example, if the mugs for Joe’s cup and Martha’s
cup were on the left and right, respectively, in the first trial,
these placements were intermittently reversed in subsequent
Prior to the first trial, the objects used for each cup were reviewed
several times and participants were instructed towork
as quickly as possible without making errors. The order of
the task was not specified, but participants were encouraged
to interleave the steps of Joe and Martha’s cups to minimize
time. Participants were also urged not to touch or move objects
until they were ready to use them. At the end of each
trial, time to completion was announced, and participants
were encouraged to try and outperform their fastest time on
the subsequent trial. While data from the normative study indicated
that CC performance stabilized by the 10th trial (see
Appendix A), we administered 13 trials in the present study
to increase the opportunity for JC to reach asymptotic levels
of performance. All trials were videotaped for coding.

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