Angol fordítás, feladat?
-Excuse me, do you speak English?
-Yes, I do.
-At last! I’m trying to find La Fontana Di Trevi.
-You know what? I’m heading that wy. I have a shoe shop opposite La Fontana Di Trevi. We can walk together if you like.
-Thank you very much. My wife is waiting for me there and I don’t want to be late.
-Don’t worry. It’s very close. By the way, I’m Fabricio Carluzio. What’s your name?
-Sean McColl. Nice to meet you.
-Where are you from? Scotland, right?
-Yes. How can you tell?
-It’s the accent. My mother’s Scottish, too.
-That’s why your English is excellent.
-Thanks. So, are you here on holiday?
-Yes, we are.
-How do you like Rome?
-It’s a wonderful city, but I’m having a bit of a problem with the drivers here. Italians drive ont he wrong side of the road.
-Of course. You drive ont he left int he UK… Here we are. This is my shop. Where’s your wife?
-She’ s in your shop. Every time we go abroad she spends a fortune on shoes.
ezt le kellene fordítani^^
ez meg egy feladat:
Complete the dialogues with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets.
-Daniel is that you? I _____ (not believe) it.
-Rachel! What _______ (you/ do) here?
-I _____ (visit) an old family friend. And you?
-Barbara and I are here on holiday.
-Barbara is here, too? Where is she now?
-She _____(have) lunch at the restaurant. Actually, I _____ (go) there now. ______ (you/want) to come with me?
-Sure, let’s go!
-Is that Ethan Dexter?
I ______(not think) so. He’s in Chine this month; he ____(make) a film with John Nova and Jill Stone.
-Patricia, you’re amazing. How ______(you/know) all these things?
-I ________(read) a lot of magazines, of course.

Amennyi idő alatt ezt begépelted, simán lefordíthattad volna...
Amúgy elég easy feladatok ezek...

Megcsinalom neked, de sosem fogsz igy megtanulni angolul.
-Elnezest, beszel angolul?
-Vegre. A La Fontana Di Trevi-t keresem.
-Tudja mit? en is arrafele tartok. Van egy cipoboltom a la fontana... -val szemben. Setalhatunk egyutt, ha szeretne.
-Koszonom szepen! A felesegem ott var ram, nem szeretnek elkesni.
-Ne aggodjon, kozel van. Egyebkent engem Fabricio Carluzio-nak hivnak. Ont hogy hivjak?
-Sean McColl. Orvendek.
-Honnan valosi? Skocia, ugye?
-Igen, honnan tudta?
-Az akcentusbol. Az anyukam is skot.
-Akkor ezert kivalo az angolja.
-Koszonom. Szoval itt toltik a vakaciojukat?
-Hogy tetszik Roma?
-Nagyon szep varos, de van egy kis problemam az itteni soforokkel. Az olaszok az ut rossz oldalan vezetnek.
-Persze. Az emberek a bal oldaon vezetnek az egyesult kiralysagban.. Itt is vagyunk. Ez a boltom. Hol a felesege?
-Az on boltjaban. Mindig, amikor kulfoldre megyunk egy vagyont kolt cipokre.
don't believe
are you doing
am visiting
is having
am going
do you want
don't think so
is making
do you know
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