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Angol fordítás, kaphatok egy kis segítséget?

Figyelt kérdés


The highest court in England and India is the Privy Council the Queen's personal court. In the eartly history of this court the Privy Council can hear the appeal form all of Britan and the colonies. In 1875 the Judicature act devalued the function of the Privy council. Only the Indians could appel to the Queen. Others couls appeal to the new Supreme Court. In this time has formed a new office from the court called Judicial comittee who decies about the appeals based on oraly or written evidences. In India 3 Mayor Courts were existed in the 3 presidencies, in Madras, Bombay and Bengal. Later, after the Judicature act they nominates High Courts. Pepoples in India can appel from this court directly to the Governor-General and than to the Privy Council. It was a foolisg thing from the government, beacuse the plesant who owns nothing must be accept the decission of the High Courts of India or the Viceroy's decission, beacuse the can not afford to travell to London for an appeal. The head of these court is the Chief of Justice. For the expreince and representation of India, 2 person who works as a Judge in the Indian court must be attend in London as a padied member. One of us take part in the Privy Council's work, and the other one in the Judiciary Comitee work. In India there are four types court. Firtsly the civil court where make trials about the land and and everything with the civils which not a linked to a criminal case or religion. These affairs has own court like the criminals and the ecclesiastical courts. It come from a Latin word ecclesia which means, curch comunity. And the fourth is the Admirality courts which takes part in affairs abour the

Sea and sea rutes, trades and bussines, or the Navy. The native people also can appear in this court too, but they has theri own court called Native Court.

2015. ápr. 27. 12:18
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2015. ápr. 27. 12:30
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