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Leellenőriznétek ezt az angol fogalmazást?

Figyelt kérdés

Fifty years later

I think fifty years later the world will have changed a lot.

I live in a small village which nobody think that fifty years later will be a agriculture town. The local people will have found out that the livestock breeding and the crop production will have been successful. More and more people will have done to breed livestock. The meat industry will have started. The people will have ploved and planted the follow land. They will have groved wheat, corn sunflower etc. The city will be bigger and bigger.

Unfortunately, I think the global warmig will have caused great damage to the earth. Some animals and plants will be have destroy. The people will have used renewable energy sources. The average temperature will be as much as 40*C.

...and fifty years later I will have told my grandchilden that what kind of the world when I was children.

lehet hogy vannak benne butaságok.

előre is köszi :)

2013. jan. 24. 19:05
 1/2 anonim ***** válasza:
future perfect ;)
2013. jan. 24. 19:55
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/2 A kérdező kommentje:
2013. jan. 24. 20:11

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