Kérlek, lefordítanátok az alábbi pár mondatot magyarról angolra?
1.) Megőrülök a csokiért, de nem ehetek túl sokat.
2.) Az unokaöcsém zenekarban játszik.
3.) Sosem felejtették el egymást.
4.) Össze akartak házasodni.
5.) Milyen könyveket szeretsz?
6.) A lányunk nagyon jól énekel, de nem érdeklődik a zene iránt.
7.) A születésnapja júniusban van, és idén mindenki elfejetette.
8.) Reggeli után elmentünk vásárolni.
9.) Minden nap felhívta őt.(nőt)
10.) Vettek egy új autót.
11.) M érges voltam, mert elvesztettem a telefonomat.
12.) Találtam egy kutyát az utcán.
13.) Nem én törtem el a poharat.
14.) Küldtem egy levelet hétfőn.
15.) Háromkor indultam.
16.) Fáradt volt, mert sokat dolgozott.
előre is köszönöm szépen.

1. I'm crazy about chocolate but I cannot eat too much.
2. My cousin plays in a band.
3. They have never forgotten each other.
4. They wanted to get married.
5. What kind of books do you like?
6. Our daugter sings very well, but she's not interested in music.
7. She's birthday is in June but everyone forgot it in this year.
8. We went to shopping after breakfast.
9. He called her every day.
10. They bought a new car.
11. I was angry becazse I lost my mobile phone.
12. I found a dog on the street.
13. I didn't broke the glass.
14. I sent a letter on Monday.
15. I left at 3PM.
16. He was tired because he worked a lot.

1. I am crazy about chocolate, but I can't eat much of it.
2. My nephew plays in a band.
3. They never forgot each other.
4. They wanted to get married.
5. What kind of books do you like?
6. Our daughter sings very well, but she isn't interested in music.
7. His birthday is in July, but this year everyone forgot it.
8. We went shopping after having breakfast.
9. He called her every day.
10. They bought a new car.
11. I was angry, because I had lost my phone.
12. I found a dog in the street.
13. It wasn't me who broke the glasses.
14. I sent (you) a letter on Monday.
15. I left at 3.
16. He was tired, because he had worked a lot.
=) Remélem, jó így.

1.)I adore chocolate but I can't eat too much.
2.) My nephew plays in a band. (?)
3.) They never forgot each other./ They've never forgot each other. (használhatod a Present Perfectes formát is, ha a jelenre ez még hatással van)
4.) They wanted to get married.
5.) What kind of books do you like?
6.) Our daughter sings welll but she isn't interested in music.
7.) Her/His birthday is in Juny and this year everybody forgot it. / Her/His birthday is in Juny and this year everybody has forgot it. (értelemszerűen itt is használhatsz Present Perfectet; a nem szerint pedig válaszd ki a vonatkozást)
8.) After breakfast we went to shopping.
9.) He called her every day.
10.) They bought a new car.
11.) I was angry because I had lost my mobile.
12.) I found a dog in the street.
13.) I didn't break the glasses.
14.) I sent a letter on Monday.
15.) I left/departed at 3 o'clock.
16.) He/She was tired because he/she had worked hard.
Tessék! ^^
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