Megoldaná valaki lécci ezt a két angol feladatot? SŰRGŐS LENNE!
Nem értem őket és a tanárnő megfenyegetett, hogy holnap én leszek az első aki mindegy.
I. Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to, be used to or get used to and the infinitive or gerund (-ing form) of the verbs in brackets.
Ex. She USED TO be a nurse before she was a doctor. (be)
1. I ... my CDs in order but I don't now. (keep)
2. She lives in Los Angeles so she ... everywhere. (drive)
3. It's her first job and she's finding it hard to ... smart clothes every day. (wear)
4. ... a diary when he was in Nepal? (keep)
5. He ... opera but he does now. (not/like)
6. I didn't get your message because I'm afraid I ... my e-mail. (not/check)
7. My sister can't ... work so early. (start)
II. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using the words in brackets.
Ex. They've built a school where the factory was. (use)
There used to be a factory where the school is now.
1. I'm sure you're tired after your journey. (must)
You ... your journey.
2. I don't believe she's only fourteen. (can't)
She ... fourteen.
3. When we were kids, we never watched TV much. (use)
We ... TV much when we were kids.
4. We wanted everyone to sit down so we borrowed extra chairs. (so that)
We borrowed ... to sit down.
5. We took our shoes off because we didn't want to make a noise. (in order)
We took our shoes off ... a noise.
Azért irjátok oda, hány százalékban jó az amit irtatok. És ha nem akarjátok mindegyiket megint külön leirni (ami igen fárasztó) akkor elég ha annyit irtok, hogy I. 1. és a megoldás. Aki értelmes választ ad, felpontozást kap. Amugy szombattól lesz különórás angoltanárnőm mert már a bukás szélén állok. Lécci segitsetek!
És nézzétek már meg légyszives, hogy ezt jól oldottam meg?
1. You sound/sound like happy. Helyes: sound like.
2. He looks/looks as if he's been running. Helyes: looks.
3. She sounds like/sounds as if her mother. Helyes: sounds like.
4. She seems/seems as if good fun. Helyes: seems.

Amúgy segítenék szívesen, csak ezt a use to be-t nem vettük.
De másold be ezt a Kultúra és közösség - Nyelvek-be ott biztosan kapsz választ, ott sok az unatkozó angolos.

I. used to keep
got used to driving
did he used to keep
didn't used to like
I'not used to check
get used to starting
II. must be tired after
can't be
didn't used to watch
az utolsó kettőt nem tudom
Nem biztos hogy mindegyik jó azok közül amit írtam
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