Segitesz kérlek? Angol dolgozat. Mit kellett volna írni?
Ezek a feladatok a dogában voltak (amik borzasztóan sikerültek) mit kellett volna írni?
will or going to
1 Help me! I _______ (fall)!
Don’t worry. I _______ (catch) you.
2 _______ you _______ (see) Gary after school?
No, not today. He _______ (do) some work on
his computer.
3 What _______ you _______ (do) on holiday?
We _______ (decide) when we get there.
4 We ________ (pick) you up at 6.30 p.m.
Thanks. That _______ (be) great!
5 Be careful! The toast _______ (burn)!
I _______ (switch off) the toaster.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets.
1 He _______ (go) to bed early if he’s tired.
2 If I _______ (earn) a lot of money, I spend it!
3 If I ______ (go) jogging in the mornings, I get
very hungry.
4 If he cooks dinner, I _______ (do) the washing
5 I get a headache if I _______ (work) on the
computer for a long time.
Complete the sentences with
might not
and the words in the box.
rain take buy be go
1 I _______ a new CD later but it depends on
how much money I have.
2 She _______ the exam. She hasn’t done a lot
of work for it.
3 I _______ tonight. I’m feeling ill.
4 Take your umbrella. It _______ later.
5 Don’t cook chicken. They _______ vegetarians!
What are you _______ to this weekend?
B:Nothing much.
2 A:
Do you _______ going to the beach?
3 B:
That sounds great. Why _______ we ask Jack
as well?
4 A:
Good idea. _______ meet at the station at
10.00 a.m.
5 B:Fine. I’ll _______ you there.
Az én válaszaimat azért nem írtam le mert jól kiröhögtetek volna amilyen hülyeségeket írtam (pont úgy mint a tanár). Elég volt ezt is begépelni. :) Előre is köszönöm!

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