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The environmental pollution the alteration of the human society's environment with an adverse direction, the environmental elements, air, water, activity entailing the unfavourable combination change of soil and his quality decay, the substance causing the unfavourable combination change and quality decay is a phenomenon or himself concerned. The environmental pollution may be physical (noise pollution, heat pollution, light pollution)you are with biological nature (artificially transformed (for example GMO) you are the application of living beings on a landscape nerve).
His most general types: the emission of harmful pollutants, air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution.
~A környezetszennyezés az emberi társadalom környezetének kedvezőtlen irányú megváltoztatása, a környezeti elemek, levegő, víz, talaj előnytelen összetétel-változásával és minőségromlásával járó tevékenység, illetve jelenség vagy maga az előnytelen összetétel-változást és minőségromlást okozó anyag. A környezetszennyezés lehet fizikai (zajszennyezés, hőszennyezés, fényszennyezés), kémiai (szennyvíz, talajszennyezés, túlzott agrokemizálás), vagy biológiai természetű (mesterségesen átalakított (például GMO) vagy tájidegen élőlények alkalmazása).
Legáltalánosabb típusai: káros szennyezőanyagok kibocsátása, légszennyezés, vízszennyezés és talajszennyezés.
Environmental protection
The environmental protection is a very important question in many governments all over the world. People think, that it is only the problem of the well-developed countries, but they are mistaken. The truth is that the fully developed countries are the only originators of the greenhouse effect and the ozone hole, but that is everybody’s problem. At the undeveloped parts of the world, there aren’t so many cars, factories and atomic power stations. How could they help it?
Several organizations have been founded to assist the environmental protection, for instance the Greenpeace. They often organize demonstrations against people, who deforest a region, hunt for whales, or endanger the Earth. Their aim is to try to save the planet. They use environment-friendly products, they don’t use chemicals, like freon, two-stroke engines, etc. People should do things for our environment. The bagatelles matter a lot. Everybody should have a few minutes to collect the rubbish selectively. It isn’t so hard. Everybody can recognize paper, glass, metal, and plastic. Not everything can be recycled, but I think more than 85 percent of rubbish should be. The materials, which can easily dissolve, why cannot be collected at one place, where they can rot?
People should use petrol without lead. That isn’t so cheap as the normal, but it doesn’t make so toxic exhaust fume. Even there are cars, which need no petrol! They use the energy of the Sun. Unfortunately, these cars are extremely environment-friendly, but they are very expensive, and people can’t buy in every car shop.
You won’t believe, but if you eat bio-food, you can also save your environment. For the other food the growers use chemicals, which poison the soil and the ground water. The bio-food is much more wholesome, so you can be more healthy!
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