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The Royal Wedding Ceremony of Charles and Diana
The wedding of Prince Charles and Diana was a very important event in the life of English people . It happened on 19th July 1981. As children, Lady Diana had a big dream: She wanted to be a princess and she was waiting for the prince.
Her dream came true, when Charles came to her. Charles was her sister, Sarah’s suitor. Diana loved him and she hoped, her dream would come true.
After a short courtship, the prince proposed her. Diana said yes, of course.
The people all around the world loved the beautiful and helpful Diana. They followed her in a lot of things: Her hair, her dresses and just her style.
Every person was waiting for the wedding. They said that Carles and Diana's wedding was the 'Wedding of the century'.
She went early to bed on the evening before her wedding, and astonishingly she managed, in the Queen Mother's house, to fall asleep soon. Her engagement ring, a £30,000 sapphire ring with 14 diamonds, lay on her bedside table. Next morning she had a hot bath, then se had breakfast. Diana was very excited, so she couldn’t eat anything. She just could drink a bit of tea.
She was thinking about the things: Will she be a good princess? Can she do this? Does she want it? But she didn’t have got much time to think. Her hairdessers, beautician and stylists came to her to make a real princess of the girl.
She had a really nice wedding dress. But it was complex. It was Diana’s style. It was a magnificent gown made from ivory silk with an almost eight metres long veil. Unfortunately, when Diana stepped on the coach, her dress was full with folds.
But it was so beautiful. Diana's favourite make-up artist came to Clarence House with a large suitcase full of make-up, powder and rouge. She applied just a little colour on Lady Di's face, but a great amount of waterproof mascara.
Diana should appear fresh and innocent when she appeared at the altar.
People said Diana had been as beautiful as a fairy tail, she had been a perfect woman, she had been so helpful, she had helped an old man to go into the chapel.
There were 3,500 people in the congregation at St. Paul's Cathedral.
Another 750 million people watched the ceremony worldwide and of course it was shown on the tv in 58 countries!
Charles was waiting for Diana in the chapel.
He was wearing a livery as a suit.
Diana’s dad was crying when he was going to the altar with his favourite daughter.
The ceremony was perfect. But there were some little blooppers.
Diana changed Charle’s first name, so she called him Philip. Charles winded up the ring to Diana’s left hand and he had forget to kiss her after the ’yes’.
Diana was the happiest woman: She became Charles’s wife, and she was the next queen of Britain. Then, the forgetted kiss taken place in the Buckhingham palace.
They spent their wedding night at Brodlands. The freshly married pair spent the honeymoon on the royal yacht Britannia.
A Mediterranean cruise was on the programme, it was a gift from the queen. Charles and Diana were not alone. As, naturally, a staff of servants was with them. Charles used the free time to read science books and also brought his old fishing equipment with him. What a disappointment for Diana! She dreamt of watching romantic sunsets from the deck, with their arms tightly around each other, wanted to breakfast in bed with him, to dance under a glimmering, starry sky.
Finally they sailed for Scotland.
The pair was very happy. The honeymoon was fantastic. They lived their life in a Fairy tale.
Their son was born on 21th June 1981, he is called William Arthur Philip.

Eddig így:
Charles és Diana királyi esküvői ceremóniája
Charles herceg és Diana esküvője egy nagyon fontos esemény volt az angol emberek életében.
1981. július 19- én történt. Gyermekként Lady Dianának volt egy nagy álma: hercegnő szeretett volna lenni, és
A következő mondatnál már el is akadtam...

Az álma valóra vált, amikor Charles eljött hozzá. Charles a nővére, Sarah udvarlója volt. Rövid udvarlás után a herceg megkérte Diana kezét, aki természetesen igent mondott. Az emberek szerették a gyönyörű, segítőkész Dianát. Követték a haját, a ruháit, a stíusát.
Az emberek azt mondták az esküvőről, az évszázad esküvője lesz.
... folytatom, ha kéred :D
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