Amennyiben még nem vagy 18 éves, a böngésződ Vissza gombja segítségével hagyd el az oldalt.
Randizok egy sráccal és írtam neki pár sort (angol). Mit gondoltok, túl durva, őszinte?
Dear xxxx,
At first please forgive me that I am writing a letter and I didn't tell you these things through skype, but I know that I would just cry and couldn't really talk.
I start to be really sad because I don't even know if I will see you again. Although you said that you didn't want a relationship, I am really confused because you seem to be missing me and love(?) me. For me, loving somebody and not wanting a relationship at the same time, is a bit controversial, maybe because I'm a woman and also a hungarian... I haven't planned to ask questions like this, but I think it's high time for us to be honest. I am not 16 years old anymore and I don't want to live in a fairy tale and think of a guy constantly who might not even want to see me anymore. At first I thougt I would visit you for 10 days, have fun and then move on as soon as possible. But I realized that it's not so easy because I love you and now (as always) you have to be the "bad guy" if you don't want anything more from me. I really need to know what I mean for you because I'm suffering from this uncertainty.

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2-es vagyok es en szivesen kijavitanam de baromi sok van es ezt most nem bantasbol irom, a lenyeget pedig megerti igy is ugy is:-)
De pl utolso mondat reszlet "mean for you" az "mean to you".Kiragadott pelda igy hirtelen

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