Ennek a felét kb. nem értettem.
Dream Kid (13)
you know when to bend the rules, but I'd be shocked if you'd ever actually broken any. good for you, your record is probably cleaner than ours.
Angel (4)
you're the friend that my parents would always let me hang out with and never ask any questions about it. fix your halo, honey, and keep up the good work.
Rebel (26)
Pedig semmi "extrém" dolgot nem csinálok, simán csak párkapcsolatban élek.
Heathen (66)
you like to have a good time, but know when to reign yourself in. good for you. just don't make too many bad choices.
Wild Child (43)
you are the happy medium - you checked both yes and no on the list, but you definitely know how to have fun. we can't wait to see where you'll be in a few years ;)
Elég fura (bár jópofa) teszt, mert a legtöbb dolgot átéli az ember egy kapcsolatban vagy olyasmi, ami önmagában semleges (például kikérdezett a rendőrség).
Sweetheart (20)
you're the mom friend, which is great because everyone needs one. speaking of, can you come over this weekend? in all seriousness, though, don't be afraid to have your own fun sometimes, too.
Ez nagyon igaz rám 😮
Sweetheart (25)
Megy a pacsi 7 es 🖐️😊
Dream Kid (12)
you know when to bend the rules, but I'd be shocked if you'd ever actually broken any. good for you, your record is probably cleaner than ours.
Angel (5)
you're the friend that my parents would always let me hang out with and never ask any questions about it. fix your halo, honey, and keep up the good work.
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