Van olyan oldal vagy alkalmazás, ahol ténylegesen értékesíteni tudom a fényképeimet 16 évesen?

Feltételezem saját készítésű "művészi" fotóidat akarod értékesíteni.
Erre valók az úgynevezett stockfotó oldalak - Shutterstock, Dreamstime, 500PX, Getty,... - de ezeknél általában 18 év az alsó korhatár:
"13. Nyilatkozatok és kötelezettségvállalások
Ön kijelenti és kötelezettséget vállal arra, hogy:
c. betöltötte 18. életévét;"
"You need to be at least 18 years old to apply."
Az 500PX-nél szüleid fiókját használhatod:
"Services are available to authorized representatives of legal entities and to individuals who are either (i) at least 18 years old to register for Premium Accounts or license Visual Content through 500px, or (ii) at least 14 years old, and who are authorized to access the Site by a parent or legal guardian."
Children (persons under the age of 18) are not eligible to use this site unsupervised and we ask that children do not register for an account or submit any personal information to us. By using this site unsupervised, and/or registering for an account, you warrant that you are 18 years of age or older."

"4. Warranties
a. The Supplier warrants that he or she is at least 18 (eighteen) years of age and has the right to grant the license contained in this Contract to Company and its members, and has obtained all rights to source materials which comprise the Data Files and has obtained all necessary permissions, consents, and releases (including, without limitation, property, material, and/or model releases) from all persons and entities in connection with the Data Files and that are necessary to permit Company to market and distribute the Data Files and Products under this Contract. "
Az Eyem szülői beleegyezéses:
"4. Age restrictions
To join EyeEm Community you must be at least 18 years old or at least 14 years old and have the consent of your parents or guardians. By registering, you confirm to meet these age requirements.
To activate your account for EyeEm Market (section 9.1), you must be at least 18 years old.
We may ask you to provide proof of your age or your parents' consent at any time and may therefore contact you. Parents or legal guardians who have given their consent are solely responsible for their child's account activities in accordance with these Terms of Service and are liable for their child's misconduct and any damages resulting from it. Parents and legal guardians are advised that Content available on EyeEm may be inappropriate for minors."
A 123rf-nél esetleg:
You are at least 16 (if You are residing in EU) / 18 years of age (if You reside everywhere else aside from EU) and have the right to enter into this Agreement;"

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