Vesziktek észre hogy a buta emberek fogékonyak az angolra?
Figyelt kérdés
Why?2021. dec. 3. 16:16
11/16 anonim 


Kérdező, azért, mert te fogékony vagy rá, vagy azért, mert még arra se vagy fogékony? :D
12/16 anonim 


Hi, i am university from of course. I am cool professor of prophessology at moment of Jones. In the media I had interyou by a friend helping. His name was, AND IS STILL, Bandi Adams. Klaudio is also my friend, we dont know them. I have to call with my radio the songs of Jake, and you go to the theatre and cheking it on the back of the camel or the snake of the Jungle. I hope I could help with my centre shop which is doesnt existz.
13/16 anonim 


Veszitek észre, a buta emberek boldogak, az okosak meg stresszelnek?
14/16 anonim 


Én azt veszem észre, hogy te még a magyarral se boldogulsz. Persze ha nem ez az anyanyelved, akkor ne vedd magadra!
15/16 anonim 


Gyerekek láttátok a kategóriát?
16/16 anonim 


I have seen the category of the topic of the lions of making interviews of shops by cars and Johns. And the area is familiar of course and I have so much fun with you and all of the more people of the website; I like when the sun is shining, I eat sandwiches. Thank you, good day for you and all more people ! It is shining ! -I don't know if I have written something shit or true. Love and peace, and I made it intentionally. My cool stupidities. - I hope you liked it. Peas for everyone !!! 4! Because it's delicious ű!!
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