Valaki lenne olyan kedves és kijavítanáa hibaimat? (Angol)
Előre is köszönöm :) .
One day Alice called her friend Josie, who live in Rugby.They talked abaout Alice visit Josie. They were happy, because they seen each other for a long time. LAter A. went to the train station and bought a ticket. The train started 9:15 or 10:05 . She went to 10:05 . She waited for her train. When the train received she took aseat. Alice seat down man who read a newspaper. Alice question : what is your name ? The man said his name is John. They talked a lot , waitress break off the conversation. A. asked a tea. LAter they were sleeping . When Ali woken up they left Rughby, and and they were is Crewe. Alice was nervous . She left the train and bought a new ticket . She called her friend and told the story. When she arrived Rughby Josie hug to Ali.

Nem ismerem a szintedet, de az ilyen jellegű szövegeknél rutinosan kell elbeszélő múltat használni, és tisztában kell lenni néhány kifejezéssel. Hiba van sok! :) sztem ez nagyjából C1 nehézség.
One day Alice called her friend Josie, who lived in Rugby. They were happy, because they hadn't seen each other in a long time.
Alice went to the train station and bought a ticket. The train was to leave at 9:15 or 10:05. She picked the 10:05 train. She had to wait a couple of minutes. When the train arrived she got on and took seat next to a man who was reading a newspaper.
What's your name? - Alice asked
The man said his name was John. They were talking when the waitress broke the conversation. Alice asked for a tea and than they fell asleep. When she woke up they had passed Rughby and ended up in Crewe. Alice was nervous because she had to get off the train and buy another ticket. When she finally made it to Rughby Josie gave Alice a hug.
Nem akartam átfogalmazni az egészet, igyekeztem megtartani minél többet az eredeti mondatokból.
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