Valaki letudná nekem fordítani a következő idézetet angolra?

"The search for happiness is a strange thing. The peoples are looking for the secret, but they don't find, because the don't care it. They don't want to see the truth, but the illusion. They believe what they want to believe. They want to see in everything a signs and hold on. It doensn't matter to they, what is the illusion and what is the reality. It's only that they belive. But they don't notice, it's shortest path to another furhter disappointment."
Valami ilyesmi. ;)

Javítva így hangzik a szöveg:
"The search for happiness is a strange thing. The people are looking for the secret, but they don't find, because the don't care it. They don't want to see the truth, but the illusion. They believe what they want to believe. They want to see in everything a signs and hold on. It doesn't matter to they, what is the illusion and what is the reality. It's only that they belive. But they don't notice, it's shortest path to another furhter disappointment."

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