Mit csináljak? (ebay) Tegnap rendeltem erre törölte magát az eladó.
Tegnap este fél 10 fele rendeltem egy androidos tv okosítót. Végülis mindegy mit rendeltem.
Kifizettem, reggel megnéztem, hogy elküldte-e már, de a hirdetést nem találtam. Az eladó Not a registered user..
Reggel nyitottam egy case-t vagy mit és május 18.-án jár le elvileg. Open requests/cases
4K M8S Android 4.4...
View purchased item You haven't received this item yet. $18.99 May 12, 2016 0406515 Awaiting seller's action. See details
De az eladó nem elérhető.
Írtam az ebaynak is.
Üzenetem: Hi,
I am writing because I have ordered yesterday an android TV.
But today the seller is no longer available.
I paid for it but he/she doesn't marked as shipped.
I can't write for him/her because the user is not available.
What should I do?
I think he /she will not ship it, but i send for he/she my money...
I think you can help me.
It is important for me.
Üzenetük: RE: Paying for items SR# 1-74278187065
Hi Lisovszki,
Thank you for contacting eBay Customer Service about the item that you haven’t received yet. I know that you are worried since the seller is no longer registered here in eBay. Don’t’ worry, I’m Ruth and I’ll be glad to help you with this.
I know that this must be a difficult time, but I will be working with you to help you through this.
Lisovszki, I see that you have successfully opened an item not received request for this item which is great step on getting your money back since I also see that the seller hasn’t shipped the item yet however you don’t have to worry, we got your back on this and will be resolve as soon as possible.
Now, the best option for is to continue to communicate with the seller through our eBay Message and for now, allow the seller to respond to you for three business days so he can be able to give you the response you needed. Once a request is open, the seller has 3 business days to respond and work things out.
If the seller is still unresponsive, you can let us step in by May 19, 2016 to resolve this issue. We will then review the case and decide on the best outcome within 48 hours.
And Lisovszki, take note that if you don't ask eBay to step in within 30 days of the request opening, it will close automatically; once this happens you may no longer be able to get a refund. Remember, you can check the status of the request at any time in the Purchase history page.
To know more about our eBay Money Back Guarantee:
And also, what to do if you didn't receive an item or it doesn't match the listing description:
I know that the information I gave you will help you on the item and will be resolved as soon as possible, Lisovszki.
If you have any questions or concerns, Lisovszki, feel free to contact us and we’ll answer your concerns as soon as possible.
By the way, I would like to let you know how much we appreciate your membership, Lisovszki. I see you've been an eBay member since January 29, 2015 and we thank you for your continued patronage and we look forward to more fruitful years of partnership with you!
It’s been a pleasure to communicate with you. We appreciate that you choose eBay as your online shopping destination!!
We value your business!
Take care always and have a great day there in Hungary, Lisovszki!
Ruth F.
eBay Customer Service
Írtam még egy üzenetet. Szövegem ugyanez volt.
RE: A case is already open for an item that doesn't match the description SR# 1-74278177410
Dear Lisovszki,
Good day!
Thank you for contacting eBay Customer Service about the item 182122663722. I understand that you’re concerned about this Android Smart TV Box you recently bought because the seller is no longer registered. I know how you feel, but don’t worry because I am with you in this situation, and I will do my best to help you out.
Before anything else, I’d like to assure you that you are 100% covered by our buyer protection program, eBay Money Back Guarantee. So, you don’t have to worry about losing your money because we’ve go you covered.
Now, going back to your concern, I have carefully checked on the details of your order, and I am able to verify that the listing has already been removed because the seller is no longer registered here on eBay.
Upon further review, I’m happy to see that you were able to open a refund request in your Resolution Center. I totally appreciate your effort in getting this issue resolved prior to contacting us.
Now, it appears that your seller still has until the 18th of May to make things right for you. By the way, your seller is still notified about this through the contact information that they have on file.
Lisovszki, if your seller can’t work things out with you, or if you’re not satisfied by the solution he/she has offered, then the best thing you can do is to ask us to step in and help so we can get involved and make a decision on the case.
Here’s how you can ask us to step in and help:
Go to My eBay and click Account.
Click Resolution Center on the left section under Account.
In the Your requests and cases section, locate the request you opened for the item you haven’t received and click on See details.
After that, select the option that says Ask us to step in and help.
Once the request has been escalated, we will start an investigation and make a decision on the case. We’ll then get back to you with the best resolution within 48 hours.
By the way, if you have enough time, I’d like you to visit the link I provided below. It’s about eBay Money Back Guarantee. You will see the complete benefits of this program and more details about the processes and the timeframes. I’m sure this will useful for you in the future:
I’m glad I was able to show you how you can get your money back. It was a pleasure being of your assistance. Thank you so much for choosing eBay, Lisovszki. When it comes to the best overall shopping experience, you know you're in good hands. Have a nice day and enjoy the rest of the week!
Respectfully yours,
Andre S.
eBay Customer Service
Remélem valaki tud segíteni, mert nem kis pénzről(5500Ft-ról van szó)
Előre is köszönöm.
Egész nap ideges vagyok emiatt...

Azért aggódom,mert régóta szeretnék egy ilyen androidos okoskosítót.
Ha a pénzem újra látom már annak örülök.
Ha nem az eladó akkor maga az ebay visszafizeti?

Most már értem. Csak még sosem voltam ilyen helyzetben.
De ők is megerősítették.
Üzenetem: Hi,
So i need waiting for 18th?
After i need to write for you and you help me if the seller do nothing?
Dear Lisovszki,
I hope you are doing well today!
Thank you for getting back to eBay Customer Service. My name is Levy and I will definitely be helping you further with your concern on an item you purchased from a seller who is no longer registered on the site.
Lisovszki , it is good to know that you were able to take advantage of the eBay Money back Guarantee. Right now, we are giving the seller four business day to respond to the request and work things out with you. You do not need to worry though as you have the option to escalate the request by May 18, 2016 if the seller will remain unresponsive or will not be able to resolve your concern. By escalating the request, you are asking eBay to step into the situation and come up with a decision within 48 hours.
Please follow these steps to escalate the request on the said date:
1. Click on "My eBay" at the top right portion of most eBay pages and choose "Summary" from the drop down.
2. Click on the "Account" tab and choose "Resolution Center" from the drop down.
3. Scroll to the bottom right of the page and click on the “See details” link.
4. Click on the "Ask us to step in and help" option and click the "continue button after.
5. Click on the dropdown for the "Tell us what the problem is" section and choose a reason.
6. Type in a message/details that can help us make a decision in the box provided.
7. Click on the "Ask us to step in" button.
We will review the case after you escalate it and we guarantee to issue you 100% refund in behalf of the seller.
If you want to give more time for the item to arrive, please do not forget that if you do not escalate the request before June 11, 2016 , we will consider that the situation has been resolved. We will automatically close the case.
I am confident that this information will be helpful in your concern about getting a refund for an item you have not received Lisovszki.
Thank you for choosing eBay! We value your business with us.
You have a very nice weekend! Take care Lisovszki.
I wish you all the best in life.
Levy M.
eBay Customer Service
Köszönöm mindenkinek a megerősítést.

Velem is volt ilyen. Én fosszíliát rendeltem kanadából, és nekem estére törölte magát. Másnap reggel pedig én írtam a supportnak, és kb ugyanezt válaszolták.
Kivártam, amit ki kellett várnom, és küldték a pénzt ők.
Nekem kicsit több volt, mert 12 ezer pár száz volt + még közel 7 ezer szállítási költség, de mindent visszaküldtek, mivel volt pay pal azonosítóm a tranzakcióról, így nem volt gond.
Nyílván a termékből nem lett semmi sem.

Igen pénzről van szó. Ha éppenséggel 1000ft lenne azt se hagynám szó nélkül.
Ha netalán megérkezik akkor majd megírom :D
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