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Miért Regina Saskatchewan fővárosa, amikor ott van Saskatoon?

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#Kanada #Saskatoon #Saskatchewan #préri tartomány
2024. ápr. 17. 16:26
 1/3 anonim ***** válasza:
Könnyebb kimondani.
2024. ápr. 17. 20:28
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/3 anonim ***** válasza:

"First, Regina was already a bit of a government hub and the landowners in the area held more political influence. There was more than a bit of corruption in the decision and it was probably the main deciding factor.

Second, Regina was on the CPR which was the more modern trading route. By the time Saskatchewan was founded the CPR had displaced the Saskatchewan River as the most important trade route and being on the CPR was a huge advantage for communications and transportation. Also the key product in 20th century Saskatchewan was going to be wheat and Regina was more central to the grain trade and was closer to more easily farmed land than Saskatoon. The forest fringe just north and east of Saskatoon was not considered to be of much economic value.

Third, Regina was simply more stable. It was a bit of a security hub with access to important NWMP/RCMP installations. Proximity to Winnipeg, the closest "civilized" town was important too. Treaty 4 was also a slightly older treaty than Treaty 6 and considered more strategically important by federal government."

2024. ápr. 19. 19:39
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/3 A kérdező kommentje:
Ezek alapján regina megvan alázva
2024. ápr. 19. 19:43

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