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Jó angolosok, ki tudnátok javítani a szöveget?

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I think you're healthy when you're feeling fine and everything is okay with your body and your soul too. I don't really know that I am heathy or not, but at least i'm trying. I try to eat different kind of fruits and vegetables every day. When I go to school I always bring chucumbers or tomatoes with my sandwich and I usually eat an apple or a banana daily. Eating helathy is really hard for me because I'm obsessed with chocholate, crisps and junk food wich is not too good for your body. If you eat too many of them your skin is going to be very oily and you're going to have a lot of acnes.

If you want to be healthy you have to do some sports too, but sitting in front of the tv or the computer isn't counting. The healthiest people usually do some excersizes for 30 minutes daily. You don't have to go to the gym everyday or die from tiredness, it's okay if you just go for a little run or something like that. Walking to school instead of taking the bus is a good idea too. Personally i have dance class twice a week and I go there by my skateboard.

Also you really don't want to start smoking. Smoke is really bad for your lung, so that is the best if you don't even try it. You should avoid smoky places too, because passive smoking is just like the same (some people say it's even worse).

If you're healthy that means you're happy. You have to be satisfied with yourself, with your body. Do not stress on things and always tell your problems to someone. It will make you feel so much better and I'm sure that your friends or parents can help you. It's normal if sometimes you have problems and you're sad or feeling alone, it's life. Just emember that things will always get better.

2014. szept. 24. 20:27
 1/6 anonim válasza:



remélem segítettem :)

2014. szept. 24. 21:05
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/6 A kérdező kommentje:
igen, köszönöm szépen:))
2014. szept. 24. 21:27
 3/6 anonim ***** válasza:

Minden apróság:

I don't really know that I am heathy or not->I don't really know if I am heathy or not

different kind of fruits->kinds

wich is not too good -> which és are

sitting in front of the tv or the computer isn't counting->doesn't count!!!!!!

The healthiest people usually do some excersizes for 30 minutes daily->excercises és a végén a szerkezet nekem nem tetszik. Nem vagyok benne biztos, hogy jó-e vagy sem, de én átfogalmaznám valami teljesen másra.

dance class twice a week->classes

Smoke is really bad for your lung->lungs

Just emember->remember, de gondolom ez csak typo

2014. szept. 24. 21:30
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/6 A kérdező kommentje:
uh, nagyon szépen köszi:D
2014. szept. 24. 21:52
 5/6 BringaManó ***** válasza:

typót én is tudok:









(tehát az első javítás a nyerő)



i -> I (több helyen)

és a 'for 30 minutes daily'-re (amit az előző kifogásolt) azt mondanám, hogy legyen a végén 'a day', úgy talán jobb (esetleg 'every day', de az már van a következő mondatban. de azt nem külön kellene írni?).

(biztos lehetne még rajta sok dolgot átfogalmazni, gördülékenyebbé vagy "angolosabbá" tenni, de az már nem te lennél, jó lesz ez így. :-)

2014. szept. 25. 00:59
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 6/6 anonim ***** válasza:

Kiemelem azokat, amiket én találtam, külön odafigyelve a vesszőhibákra. Csillagot teszek oda, ahol javítottam, hogy könnyebben észrevedd:

>I don't really know that I am heathy or not, but at least i'm trying.

>I don't really know *if I am heathy or not* but at least i'm trying.

>I always bring chucumbers or tomatoes with my sandwich and I usually eat an apple or a banana daily.

>I always bring *cucumbers or tomatoes *(along) with my sandwich*, and I usually eat an apple or a banana daily.

>I'm obsessed with chocholate, crisps and junk food wich is not too good for your body.

>I'm obsessed with chocholate, crisps*, and junk food wich *are not too good for your body. (a plusz vessző akkor kell, ha amerikai angolt használsz, ha britet, akkor nem. Az „are” sem feltétlenül kell, ha az „obsession” nem tesz jót a testednek, akkor „is”, ha maguk a kaják, akkor „are”. Ahogy te értelmezed.)

>If you eat too many of them your skin is going to be very oily and you're going to have a lot of acnes.

>If you eat too *much of them your skin is going to be very oily*, and you're going to have a lot of acnes. (bár az „acne” megszámlálható, nekem nem tetszik ez a többesszám. Én inkább úgy írnám, hogy „you’re going to have bad acne”, de ez elvileg úgy is jó, ahogy írtad)

>or the computer isn't counting.

>or the computer *does not count.



>die from tiredness

>die from *exhaustion (nem hibás, de ez sokkal szebb és ideillőbb szó)

>>Personally i have dance class twice a week and I go there by my skateboard.

>Personally *I have dance class twice a week*, and I go there by * skateboard.

>Also you really don't want

>Also*, you really don't want

>for your lung, so

>for your *lungs * so

>is just like the same

>is just * the same

>Do not stress on things

>Do not stress *out about things

>Just emember

>Just *remember

A vesszőhibákban nem vagyok 100%-ig biztos, eléggé eltér a magyartól, de alapvetően jónak kell lennie. Aki hibát talál a javításaimban, szóljon bátran.

2014. szept. 25. 13:10
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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