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-Yet Meghan and Ash's detour does not go unnoticed. They have caught the attention of an ancient, powerful hunter—a foe that even Ash may not be able to defeat....
-In the shadows of the cave, I watched the Hunter approach. Silhouetted black against the snow, it stalked closer, eyes a yellow flame in the shadows, breath coiling around it like wraiths. Ice-blue light glinted off wet teeth and a thick shaggy pelt, darker than midnight. Ash stood between the Hunter and me, sword unsheathed, his eyes never leaving the massive creature that had tracked us for days, and now, had finally caught up.
“Meghan.” Its voice was a growl, deeper than thunder, more primitive than the wildest forests. The ancient golden eyes were fixed solely on me. “I’ve finally found you.”
-Sometimes, you’ve been backed into a corner and you have to make a deal
-not without disastrous consequences
M és A magukra vonják egy ősi vadász figyelmét.
A barlangban jött a vadász, Ash elém állt egy karddal.
-Meghan, végre megtaláltalak - mondta a vadász ijesztőn.
Néha a sarokba szorítanak és alkudozni kényszerülsz. (üzletet kötni)
De katasztrofális következményekkel.
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