Main uses of the past continuous tense
A The past continuous is chiefly used for past actions which continued for some time but whose exact limits are not known and are not important.
It might be expressed diagrammatically. '.....' indicates uncertainty
about times of starting or finishing:
B Used without a time expression it can indicate gradual development: It was getting darker. The wind was rising.
C Used with a point in time, it expresses an action which began before that time and probably continued after it. At eight he was having breakfast implies that he was in the middle of breakfast at eight, i.e. that he had started it before eight. He had breakfast at eight would imply that he started it at eight.
D If we replace the time expression with a verb in the simple past tense: When I arrived
Tom was talking on the phone we convey the idea that the action in the past continuous started before
the action in the simple past and probably continued after it. The diagram may help to show this relationship. The action in the simple past is indicated by X. Compare this combination with a combination of two simple past tenses, which normally indicates successive actions: When he saw me he put the receiver down.
E We use the continuous tense in descriptions. Note the combination of description (past continuous) with narrative (simple past):
A wood fire was burning on the hearth, and a cat was sleeping in front of it. A girl was playing the piano and (was) singing softly to herself. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. The girl stopped playing. The cat woke up.
Other uses of the past continuous
This tense can be used as a past equivalent of the present continuous:
A Direct speech: He said, 'I am living in London.' Indirect speech: He said he was living in London.
B Just as the present continuous can be used to express a definite future arrangement:
I'm leaving tonight. I've got my plane ticket. so the past continuous can express this sort of future in the past:
He was busy packing, for he was leaving that night. (The decision to
leave had been made some time previously.)
C The past continuous with always:
He was always ringing me up. He was always working. (See 167 B for present continuous with always.)
181 Past continuous as an alternative to the simple past
The past continuous can be used as an alternative to the simple past to indicate a more casual, less deliberate action:
I was talking to Tom the other day.
The past continuous here gives the impression that the action was in no way unusual or remarkable. It also tends to remove responsibility from the subject. In the above example it is not clear who started the conversation, and it does not matter. Note the contrast with the simple past tense, / talked to Tom, which indicates that I took the initiative. Similarly:
From four to six Tom was washing the car.
This would indicate that this was a casual, possibly routine action. Compare with:
From four to six Tom washed the car. (implying a deliberate action by Tom)
Note that continuous tenses are used only for apparently continuous uninterrupted actions. If we divide the action up, or say how many
times it happened, we must use the simple past:
/ talked to Tom several times. Tom washed both cars. But we may, of course, use the continuous for apparently parallel actions:
Between one and two I was doing the shopping and walking the dog. This tense is normally used in this way with a time expression such as today, last night, in the afternoon, which could either be regarded as points in time or as periods. Periods can also be indicated by exact times as shown above.
In questions about how a period was spent, the continuous often appears more polite than the simple past: What were you doing before you came here? sounds more polite than What did you do before you came here?
On the other hand, What were you doing in my room? could indicate a feeling that I think you had no right to be there, while What did you do in my room? could never give this impression.

#Sztrogoff: ha nem tudja, gondolod, hogy, ezt a bekopizott litániát meg fogja érteni, vagy akár csak elolvasni?
Regényekben a helyszín történéseit írják folyamatos múltban.
Odakünn friss, tavaszi idő volt: a fákon madarak csiripeltek. Az utca gyerekzsivajtól volt hangos; az égen nem voltak felhők; a fű között tücskök ciripeltek. (folyamatos)
– Kiezte? – kérdezte Joe. (szimpla múlt)
– Tökömtudja... – vont vállat Jack. (szimpla múlt)
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