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Big Ben
Big Ben is not open the public. Possibly the most famous clock face and chimes in the world, Big Ben is actually the name of the biggest bell (13.5 tons) inside The Clock Tower which forms part of the Houses of Parliament. Built in 1858/9 the bell was named after one Sir Benjamin Hall and when it was cast it was Britain's heaviest bell. The clock's four dials each have a diameter of 23ft, the minute hands are 14ft lon and the numerals on each face are nearly 2ft high.The placing of old pennies in the mechanism controls the accuracy of the clock movement, yet it is incredibly accurate. The Tower which houses Big Ban has been called by many names, one of the most popular is St Stephen's Tower. The official line, from the Head of Public Information at the Palace is that the Clock Tower is simply called The Clocl Tower. However, the name Big Ben has now passed into every day use and the locals call it Big Ban so we'll go along with that too.
Nearest Tube: Westminster.

Najó, de ha meg sem próbálod, akkor hogy az ördögbe fogod megtanulni?
Állj neki, és ha kérdezi a tanár holnap, akkor megnondod, neki, hogy amit tudtál azt lefordítottál.
Egy tisztességes angoltanár tudja milyen szinten állsz tehát nem fog megbüntetni ha ez a feladat túl nehéz. Viszont ha meg sem próbálod, akkor biztosan nem sikerül soha.

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