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Angolosok, átnéznétek?

Figyelt kérdés
I have been doing sport for my childhood. When I was younger I ran a lot of,and with I won a medal. In the High school we played a basketball in the P.E lesson. It was my favourite sport. At now I like rinning, doing sqash, and doing step aerobic. When I have free time I spend it doing some sports. Two hours a week I playing sqash, it is very difficult leisure activities. When the weather is good I go to the forst with my dog. Reraly I ride a bicycle and once, or twice a year I to swimming, but this is not one of my favourites.
2013. ápr. 4. 08:23
 1/5 anonim ***** válasza:

I have been doing sport since my childhood.

When I was younger I ran a lot, and because of that I won a medal. In the high school we

played basketball in P.E. lessons. It

was my favourite sport. Now I like

running, doing squash, and doing step

aerobic. When I have free time I spend it with

doing some sports. Two hours a week I

play squash, it is very difficult leisure

activity. If the weather is good I go to

the forest with my dog. Rarely I ride a

bicycle and once, or twice a year I go to

swimming, but it isn't good enough like the other ones of my favourites.

2013. ápr. 4. 08:47
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/5 A kérdező kommentje:
Köszönöm szépen!:)
2013. ápr. 4. 08:53
 3/5 anonim ***** válasza:

I have been doing sports since my childhood.

When I was younger I ran a lot and once I even won a medal. In the high school we

used to play basketball in P.E. lessons which

was my favourite sport then. Now I like

running, playing squash, and doing step

aerobic. When I have free time I spend it with

doing some sports. Two hours a week I

play squash, it is a very difficult leisure

activity. If the weather is good I go to

the forest with my dog. Sometimes I ride a

bicycle and once or twice a year I go

swimming but I do not enjoy these as much as my favourites above.

2013. ápr. 4. 09:18
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/5 anonim ***** válasza:
A high school-os mondat az "used to"-val helyes, ahogy a masodik hozzaszolo is irja.
2013. ápr. 4. 10:01
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 5/5 A kérdező kommentje:
2013. ápr. 4. 11:24

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