Kezdőoldal » Szórakozás » Zene » Tudnátok nekem pár jó dalszöve...

Tudnátok nekem pár jó dalszövegrészletet írni rock/punk/metal (és társaik) zenékből?

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Olyanokra lenne szükségem, amik mondanak is valamit :D

Szóval jók :D

Lehet magyar, angol egyaránt :)

2013. aug. 28. 21:53
 1/9 anonim ***** válasza:

"No one is placed higher than another

No matter race or creed or gender"

Am miért? :)

2013. aug. 28. 22:18
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 2/9 anonim ***** válasza:

"My shadow's the only one that walks beside me

My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating

Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me

'Til then I walk alone"

"Within our dreams, we all wake up

To kiss the ones who are born to die"

"So just give it one more try

To a lullaby

And turn this up on the radio

If you can hear me now

I'm reaching out

To let you know that you're not alone

And you can't tell

I'm scared as hell

Cause I can't get you on the telephone

So just close your eyes

Well honey here comes a lullaby

Your very own lullaby"

"Fray the strings

Throw the shapes

Hold your breath"

"If everyone cared and nobody cried

If everyone loved and nobody lied

If everyone shared and swallowed their pride

Then we'd see the day when nobody died"

2013. aug. 28. 22:35
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 3/9 anonim ***** válasza:

"Hősiesség, bátor eszme

De kit feszíthetsz ma már keresztre

A hősök ma már máshogy néznek

Emberre, gyerekre

Címlap, pénz meg a hatalom

Taposs a fején, igen ezt akarom

Magába szív ez a morál nélküli

Civilizált, legális borzalom"

"Ki menti meg majd ezt a Földet, mielőtt sivatag lesz a táj?

Attól ki büntetlenül ölhet, aki miatt lángol az óceán.

Gyermeked, férjed, feleséged ezt a velejéig rohadt emberiséget,

Gondolkozz hanyatt dőlve és lélegezd be a döghús illatát!"

"Mert én csak éltem

A kis életem keleten.

Nem kérdeztek meg,

Hogy a fényűzést szeretem?!

Csődben a tőzsde,

De valaki nagyot kaszált,

Mellélőtt Amerikában

Engem meg pont fejen talált!

És már csak Mászunk a fényre!

De csak csótányként taposnak ránk!

Az ország a mélyben!

Válság van kérem,

ne szárnyaljunk már!

A vonaton ülni k**va jó,

csak alácsúszni fáj!"

"Minden ember emlékez majd a demokrácia szent harcára,

Csak a gyermeküket óvóknak fagyott a rémület az arcára,

Céloz és tűz, mosolyogsz és a tévéd előtt ülsz,

Azt hiszed, hogy két kontinenssel arrébb megmenekülsz..

Így a békés ember is felbőszülve merénylővé válhat,

Nem tudni ötven év múlva kit neveznek majd terroristának..

Vissza a kőkorszakba, rajzolhatsz barlangfalakra,

nem lesz szükség szavakra. [ennyi volt, kész]

Ember után majom alakra, tőrt és lándzsát faragva,

Talán akkor majd megszáll a józan ész.."

2013. aug. 29. 00:33
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 4/9 anonim ***** válasza:





2. "When the power of love

Overcomes the love of power

The world will finally come to peace"



4. " My Own Death

You think you’re safe when you’re living your simple fishbowl life

But I’m closer, I am closer than you think

I, the keeper of your time. Or what’s left of it…

I’ve counted your every second

Since you first entered this world

I like to sit beside you (and) listen to your heart and thoughts

You always think so much yet you do so very little (You do nothing)"

2013. aug. 29. 11:08
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 5/9 anonim ***** válasza:

People are strange when you're a stranger

Faces look ugly when you're alone

Women seem wicked when you're unwanted

Streets are uneven when you're down

When you're strange

Faces come out of the rain

When you're strange

No one remembers your name

When you're strange

When you're strange

When you're strange

Don't damn me

When I speak a piece of my mind

'Cause silence isn't golden

When I'm holding it inside

'Cause I've been where I have been

An I've seen what I have seen

I put the pen to the paper

'Cause it's all a part of me

Be it a song or a casual conversation

To hold my tongue speaks

Of quiet reservations

Your words once heard

They can place you in a faction

My words may disturb

But at least there's a reaction

Sometimes I want to kill

Sometimes I want to die

Sometimes I want to destroy

Sometimes I want to cry

Sometimes I could get even

Sometimes I could give up

Sometimes I could give

Sometimes I never give a ****

It's only for a while

I hope you understand

I never wanted this to happen

Didn't want to be a man

So I hid inside my world

I took what I could find

I cried when I was lonely

I fell down when I was blind

But don't damn me when I speak

A piece of my mind

'Cause silence isn't golden

When I'm holding it inside

'Cause I've been where I have been

An I've seen what I have seen

I put the pen to the paper

'Cause it's all a part of me

How can I ever satisfy you

An how can I ever make you see

That, deep inside we're all somebody

An it don't matter who you want to be

But now I gotta smile I hope you comprehend

For this man can say it happened

'Cause this child has been condemned

So I stepped into your world

I kicked you in the mind

An I'm the only witness

To the nature of my crime

But look at what we've done

To the innocent and young

Whoa listen to who's talking

'Cause we're not the only ones

The trash collected by the eyes

And dumped into the brain

Said it tears into our conscious thoughts

You tell me who's to blame

I know you don't want to hear me crying

An I know you don't want to hear me deny

That your satisfaction lies in your illusions

But your delusions are yours an not mine

We take for granted that we know the whole story

We judge a book by it's cover

And read what we want

Between selected lines

Don't hail me

An don't idolize the ink

Or I've failed in my attentions

Can you find the missing link

Your only validation is in living your own life

Vicarious existence is a ****ing waste of time

So I send this song to the offended

I said what I meant and I've never pretended

As so many others do intending just to please

If I damned your point of view

Could you turn the other cheek

Don't damn me when I speak a piece a mind

'Cause silence isn't golden

When I'm holding it inside

I've been where I have been

An I've seen what I have seen

Put the pen to the paper

'Cause it's all a part of me

Don't damn me

I said don't damn me

I said don't hail me

Ah, don't damn me

2013. aug. 29. 11:37
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 6/9 A kérdező kommentje:

Nagyon-nagyon köszi mindenkinek, mentek a zöld kezecskék :)

#1 A Tumblr-s blogomra teszek ki folyton zenéket és mellé szoktam csatolni a belőle kiszedett dalszövegrészletet :) És hát most szükségem van néhány jó szövegű dalra c:

Egyébként jöhetnek még, írjátok le a saját kedvenceiteket! :)

Van itt valaki, aki hallgat mondjuk Sex Pistols-t, vagy Exploited-ed, Clash-t, Anti Flag-ot, vagy Misfitset? :) Jöhetnek a kedvenc dalszövegrészleteitek tőlük! (:

2013. aug. 29. 13:29
 7/9 anonim ***** válasza:

Az Anti-Flagat szeretem

"you can kill the protestor (can kill)

you can't kill the protest

you can murder the rebel (murder)

you can't murder the rebellion"

2013. aug. 29. 18:56
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 8/9 anonim ***** válasza:

I've been thinking it over

And I know just what to do

I've been thinking it over

And I know I just can't trust myself

I'm a Gypsy prince

Covered with diamonds and jewels

But then my lover exposes me

I know I'm just a damn fool

I give what I've got to give

I give what I need to live

I give what I've got to give

It's important if I wanna live

I wanna live

I want to live my life

I wanna live

I want to live my life

As I load my pistol

Of fine German steel

I never thought I'd be so down and out

Having my last meal

But I know I can do it

It just took a few years

As I execute my killer

The morning is near

2013. aug. 29. 21:16
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 9/9 A kérdező kommentje:
Ramoneeeeees <3
2013. aug. 30. 10:10

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