Kezdőoldal » Szórakozás » Zene » Mit jelent Ray Charles dalában...

Mit jelent Ray Charles dalában a "mess around" kifejezés?

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Itt a szövege:

Ah, you can talk about the pit, barbecue

The band was jumpin', the people too

Ah, mess around

They doin' the mess around

They doin' the mess around,

Everybody doin' the mess around

Ah, everybody was juiced, you can, bet your soul

They did the boogie-woogie, with a sturdy roll (?)

They mess around

They doin' the mess around

They doin' the mess around,

Everybody doin' the mess around

Now, ah, when I say stop don't you move a peg

When I say go, just ah, shake your leg

And do the mess around

I declare, do the mess around

Yeah do the mess around,

Everybody's doin' the mess around

Now let me have it there boy

Now you got it boy

(Yeah, ah, mess around, go on mess around)

(Mess around, boy)

Now this band's goin' to play from, 9 to 1

Everybody here's gonna have some fun

Doin' the mess around

Ah, doin' the mess around

They doin' the mess around,

Everybody doin' the mess around

Now you see that girl, with that, diamond ring

She knows how to, shake that thing

Mess around

I declare, she can mess around

Ah, mess around,

Everybody do the mess around

2012. szept. 17. 19:05
 1/2 anonim ***** válasza:
Sok-sok ember van és össze-vissza mozgolódnak, buliznak, zsongnak a party-n.
2012. szept. 17. 20:48
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/2 elistvan ***** válasza:
2020. máj. 24. 19:37
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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