Lányok is hordhatnak rózsafüzért?
"Wearing of the Rosary
Wearing of a Rosary that one actually uses to pray is neither uncommon nor sacrilegious in various Roman Catholic-adherent cultures and was a common practice in the Medieval and Renaissance periods, particularly among the religious ( monks , nuns , and friars). Rosaries are also worn hanging from or looped over a belt, particularly with some religious habits , pinned to and hanging from a shoulder or neckline, or wrapped around a wrist or arm as a bracelet. Some Catholic Christians feel that it is sacrilegious for a non-believer to wear a rosary around the neck. [ citation needed ] This is particularly true in Roman Catholic cultures that have histories of persecution, particularly among the Irish and English Catholics. Because Irish Catholic tradition is often seen as normative in the United States and Canada, this has been the source of some conflict in the past. The Roman Catholic Church states: "Sacred objects, set aside for divine worship by dedication or blessing, are to be treated with reverence. They are not to be made over to secular or inappropriate use, even though they may belong to private persons". [ 48 ] Thus it is acceptable to wear a rosary if one is doing so to show veneration, however it is not acceptable if one is wearing the rosary irreverently, such as wearing it as a piece of jewelry. Many saints have worn their rosary around the neck, and in the Secret of the Rosary , it is mentioned that a person put his rosary around his neck to keep demons away from him."
Ergo: Lehet viselni nyakban is (megvéd a démonoktól), de holmi ékszerként nem. Az szentségsértés.
Lányok is hordhatnak rózsafüzért?
"nem vallási hanem divat céljából :)"
NEM. Bunkóság, a vallás megsértése. A rózsafüzér nem ékszer kislányom, nem divatcikk, aki ezt hiszi, az neveletlen, tudatlan. A rózsafüzér imádkozáshoz van, a gyöngyök száma az imák számát jelzi. Nem azért van rajta annyi, hogy a nyakadban hord. Imádkozáskor is csuklón hordják. Ha felveszed a nyakadba, te is beállsz azoknak a tudatlan parasztoknak a sorába, akikről beszéltem. Ennyi
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