Kezdőoldal » Számítástechnika » Programozás » Miért csinálja az ffmpeg?

Miért csinálja az ffmpeg?

Figyelt kérdés

Amikir af=volumedetect,bass=g=20 filter használok akkor ilyeket ír ki az mpv player:pl

[ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 795 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 800 times. Please reduce gain.

És szószerint torzítja!

Ennyire nagy a jelszint??

2023. nov. 6. 22:02
 1/5 anonim ***** válasza:

Igen, a maximális, 20 dB-es (100-szoros intenzitásszint) növekedés - pláne a mély hangok tartományában - tényleg okozhat ilyen szintű túlvezérlést.

Erre fel is hívják a figyelmet a filter dokumentációjában:


2023. nov. 6. 22:14
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/5 A kérdező kommentje:
És mi a franckarikának kell torzítania az ffmpegnek???
2023. nov. 6. 22:42
 3/5 A kérdező kommentje:
Azért torzíthatja mert gondoltak a hallásvédelemre???
2023. nov. 6. 22:43
 4/5 anonim ***** válasza:

"És mi a franckarikának kell torzítania az ffmpegnek???"

Mert túlvezérled a jelet.

"Azért torzíthatja mert gondoltak a hallásvédelemre???"

Nem. Ha egy jelet olyan mértékben erősítesz, hogy az túllépi a dinamikatartományát, akkor torzul.

2023. nov. 6. 22:45
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 5/5 A kérdező kommentje:


[ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 191 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 180 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 917 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 907 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 932 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 930 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 1032 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 1032 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 980 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 981 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 1006 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 1003 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 937 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 935 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 702 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 700 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 442 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 465 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 412 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 451 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 246 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 266 times. Please reduce gain. File: Erős vs. Spigiboy Rég Várok Valakire (Spy The Ghost Original Mix).mp3 Title: Rég várok valakire Size: 5.737 MiB Format/Protocol: mp3 Total Cache: 44.48 KiB (1.0 sec) Audio: mp3float (MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3)) Channels: 2 Format: floatp Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Bitrate: 192 kbps Filters: volumedetect, bass [g=25] A: 00:01:01.898 / 00:04:10.567 (25%) [--------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------][ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 434 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 429 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 228 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 204 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 4 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 5 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 295 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 313 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 664 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 657 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 839 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 830 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 974 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 972 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 924 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 934 times. Please reduce gain. File: Erős vs. Spigiboy Rég Várok Valakire (Spy The Ghost Original Mix).mp3 Title: Rég várok valakire Size: 5.737 MiB Format/Protocol: mp3 Total Cache: 44.48 KiB (1.0 sec) Audio: mp3float (MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3)) Channels: 2 Format: floatp Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Bitrate: 192 kbps Filters: volumedetect, bass [g=25] A: 00:01:02.100 / 00:04:10.567 (25%) [---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------][ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 1032 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 1033 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 959 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 953 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 994 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 994 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 1030 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 1032 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 510 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 501 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 678 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 678 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 669 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 688 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 600 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 597 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 463 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 481 times. Please reduce gain. File: Erős vs. Spigiboy Rég Várok Valakire (Spy The Ghost Original Mix).mp3 Title: Rég várok valakire Size: 5.737 MiB Format/Protocol: mp3 Total Cache: 44.48 KiB (1.0 sec) Audio: mp3float (MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3)) Channels: 2 Format: floatp Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Bitrate: 192 kbps Filters: volumedetect, bass [g=25] A: 00:01:02.397 / 00:04:10.567 (25%) [---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------][ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 263 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 257 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 2 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 29 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 35 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 345 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 366 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 631 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 655 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 817 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 818 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 878 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 858 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 953 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 937 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 1031 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 1027 times. Please reduce gain. File: Erős vs. Spigiboy Rég Várok Valakire (Spy The Ghost Original Mix).mp3 Title: Rég várok valakire Size: 5.737 MiB Format/Protocol: mp3 Total Cache: 44.48 KiB (1.0 sec) Audio: mp3float (MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3)) Channels: 2 Format: floatp Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Bitrate: 192 kbps Filters: volumedetect, bass [g=25] A: 00:01:02.648 / 00:04:10.567 (25%) [---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------][ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 957 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 961 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 932 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 939 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 1042 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 1027 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 707 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 729 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 569 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 560 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 491 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 506 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 597 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 599 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 464 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 456 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 78 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 53 times. Please reduce gain. File: Erős vs. Spigiboy Rég Várok Valakire (Spy The Ghost Original Mix).mp3 Title: Rég várok valakire Size: 5.737 MiB Format/Protocol: mp3 Total Cache: 44.48 KiB (1.0 sec) Audio: mp3float (MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3)) Channels: 2 Format: floatp Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Bitrate: 192 kbps Filters: volumedetect, bass [g=25] A: 00:01:02.898 / 00:04:10.567 (25%) [---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------][ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 226 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 249 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 402 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 388 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 731 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 713 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 858 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 851 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 906 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 933 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 989 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 985 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 989 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 969 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 996 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 984 times. Please reduce gain. File: Erős vs. Spigiboy Rég Várok Valakire (Spy The Ghost Original Mix).mp3 Title: Rég várok valakire Size: 5.737 MiB Format/Protocol: mp3 Total Cache: 44.48 KiB (1.0 sec) Audio: mp3float (MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3)) Channels: 2 Format: floatp Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Bitrate: 192 kbps Filters: volumedetect, bass [g=25] A: 00:01:03.148 / 00:04:10.567 (25%) [---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------][ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 907 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 906 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 733 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 758 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 551 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 533 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 483 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 485 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 655 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 639 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 724 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 712 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 412 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 355 times. Please reduce gain. File: Erős vs. Spigiboy Rég Várok Valakire (Spy The Ghost Original Mix).mp3 Title: Rég várok valakire Size: 5.737 MiB Format/Protocol: mp3 Total Cache: 44.48 KiB (1.0 sec) Audio: mp3float (MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3)) Channels: 2 Format: floatp Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Bitrate: 192 kbps Filters: volumedetect, bass [g=25] A: 00:01:03.398 / 00:04:10.567 (25%) [---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------][ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 5 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 4 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 265 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 274 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 631 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 603 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 754 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 773 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 905 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 899 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 926 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 929 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 1016 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 1011 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 951 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 960 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 956 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 954 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 0 clipping 893 times. Please reduce gain. [ffmpeg] filter: Channel 1 clipping 891 times. Please reduce gain. File: Erős vs. Spigiboy Rég Várok Valakire (Spy The Ghost Original Mix).mp3 Title: Rég várok valakire Size: 5.737 MiB Format/Protocol: mp3 Total Cache: 44.48 KiB (1.0 sec) Audio: mp3float (MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3)) Channels: 2 Format: floatp Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Bitrate: 192 kbps Filters: volumedetect, bass [g=25] A: 00:01:03.648 / 00:04:10.567 (25%) [---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------]

2023. nov. 24. 22:28

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