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Fel tudnátok sorolni egy-két programozáshoz kapcsolódó fogalmat?

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Ilyeneket mint például a Back-end, API stb

2022. jún. 30. 18:45
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IDE, fordító, forráskód, assembly, SOAP, API, UI, Adatbázis, Registry, Storage, Reference, Key-value, Változó, tömb, erősen típusos nyelv, gyengén típusos nyelv, scriptnyelv, fordító, build, publish, job, commit, conflict, objektum orientált, design pattern, fordítási idő, futási idő, függőség (dependency)

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2022. jún. 30. 19:08
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/8 anonim ***** válasza:
abstract data type, mathematical model, data types, semantics, user, data structures, abstract method, signature, implementation body, interfaces, abstraction, software engineering, computer science, attributes, generalization, abstract, concept, object, agent architecture, blueprint, software agents, intelligent control, intelligent agents, cognitive architectures, agent-based model, computational models, simulating, game theory, complex systems, emergence, computational sociology, multi-agent systems, evolutionary programming, Monte Carlo methods, aggregate function, database management, function, agile software development, software development, self-organizing, cross-functional, customer(s), end user(s), continual improvement, algorithm, calculation, data processing, automated reasoning, algorithm design, algorithms, operation research, dynamic programming, divide-and-conquer, algorithmic efficiency, algorithm, computational resources, analyzed, productivity, American Standard Code for Information Interchange, character encoding, telecommunications equipment, application programming interface, subroutine, communication protocols, software, computer program, programmer, application software, Computer software, user, word processors, spreadsheets, accounting applications, web browsers, media players, flight simulators, console games, photo editors, system software, array data structure, data structure, values, variables, tuple, artifact, software, use cases, class diagrams, Unified Modeling Language, artificial intelligence, Intelligence, machines, computer science, intelligent agents, human minds, ASCII, assertion, computer programming, statement, predicate, Boolean-valued function, expression, compiler, crashes, exception, associative array, abstract data type, collection, (key, value) pairs, automata theory, abstract machines, automata, computational problems, theoretical computer science, discrete mathematics, mathematics, computer science, automated reasoning, computer science, mathematical logic, reasoning, computer programs, artificial intelligence, theoretical computer science, philosophy, bandwidth, Bayesian programming, probabilistic models, benchmark, computer program, best, worst and average case, resource, algorithm, time complexity, big data, data sets, data-processing, application software, statistical power, false discovery rate, big O notation, limiting behavior, function, Paul Bachmann, Edmund Landau, binary number, digital electronics, 0 (zero), 1 (one), binary search algorithm, search algorithm, sorted array, binary tree, tree, data structure, children, recursive definition, set theory, tuple, empty set, singleton set, bioinformatics, biology, computer science, information engineering, mathematics, statistics, software tools, bit, basic unit of information, computing, binary, values, bit rate, telecommunications, computing, bits, blacklist, computing, access control, URLs, IP addresses, domain names, hashes, whitelist, greylist, BMP file format, raster graphics, image file format, bitmap, display device, graphics adapter, Microsoft Windows, OS/2, Boolean data type, data type, truth values, logic, Boolean algebra, George Boole, conditional, control flow, probabilistic logic, Boolean expression, expression, programming language, Boolean value, Boolean-typed, Boolean-valued functions, Boolean algebra, mathematical logic, algebra, truth values, elementary algebra, conjunction, disjunction, negation, byte, unit of digital information, bits, binary number, character, addressable, memory, computer architectures, booting, computer, computer appliance, read-only memory, firmware, power-on self-tests, hard disk, main memory, programs, main memory, callback, executable code, argument, central processing unit, computer, instructions, computer program, input/output, control unit, main memory, character, unit of information, grapheme, alphabet, syllabary, natural language, cipher, cryptography, algorithm, encryption, decryption, procedure, class, object-oriented programming, objects, member variables, methods, constructor, subroutine, type, instantiating, class-based programming, object-oriented programming, classes, objects, prototype-based programming, client, computer hardware, software, server, computer system, network, client–server model, cleanroom software engineering, software development process, reliability, Harlan Mills, IBM, closure, lexically scoped, name binding, first-class functions, Operationally, record, function, cloud computing, system resources, provisioned, Internet, economies of scale, public utility, code library, non-volatile resources, computer programs, software development, pre-written code, subroutines, classes, values, type, IBM's OS/360 and its successors, partitioned data sets, coding, executable, computer program, computing, algorithms, programming language, source code, application domain, logic, coding theory, codes, data compression, cryptography, error detection and correction, data transmission, data storage, information theory, electrical engineering, mathematics, linguistics, computer science, cognitive science, scientific, mind, cognition, information, artificial intelligence, philosophy, neuroscience, collection, abstract data types, data structure, Container, type theory, comma-separated values, text file, tabular, plain text, record, fields, commas, file format, compiler, computer program, programming language, translator, source code, high-level programming language, lower-level language, assembly language, object code, machine code, executable, computability theory, mathematical logic, computer science, theory of computation, computable functions, Turing degrees, proof theory, effective descriptive set theory, computation, model, algorithm, computer science, computational biology, mathematical modelling, biology, applied mathematics, statistics, biochemistry, chemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, genetics, genomics, computer science, evolution, biological computing, computer science, computer engineering, bioengineering, biology, computers, computational chemistry, chemistry, computer simulation, theoretical chemistry, computer programs, computational complexity theory, computational science, algorithm, computational model, mathematical model, computational science, computational resources, computer simulation, computational neuroscience, neuroscience, development, structure, physiology, cognitive abilities, nervous system, computational physics, numerical analysis, physics, quantitative theory, computational science, computational science, computational steering, computational process, computer, logical, computer programming, programs, computer architecture, computer, instruction set architecture, microarchitecture, logic design, implementation, computer data storage, computer, recording media, data, computer ethics, practical philosophy, computer graphics, computer network, digital, telecommunications network, nodes, computing devices, exchange data, data links, cable media, wireless media, Wi-Fi, computer program, instructions, executed, computer, computer programming, executable, computer program, computing, algorithms, programming language, source code, application domain, logic, computer science, computers, algorithms, digital information, computer scientist, computation, computer scientist, computer science, computer security, computer systems, hardware, software, electronic data, disruption, misdirection, computer vision, digital images, videos, human visual system, computing, algorithmic, hardware, software, computer engineering, computer science, cybersecurity, data science, information systems, information technology, software engineering, concatenation, formal language theory, computer programming, character strings, end-to-end, concatenation theory, primitive notion, Concurrency, conditional, programming language, Boolean, branch predication, control flow, container, class, data structure, abstract data type, continuation-passing style, functional programming, control, continuation, direct style, Gerald Jay Sussman, Guy L. Steele, Jr., AI Memo, Scheme, control flow, statements, instructions, function calls, imperative, program, executed, Creative Commons, non-profit organization, copyright, licenses, Creative Commons licenses, cryptography, secure communication, adversaries, protocols, information security, confidentiality, data integrity, authentication, non-repudiation, mathematics, computer science, electrical engineering, communication science, physics, electronic commerce, chip-based payment cards, digital currencies, computer passwords, military communications, CSV, cyberbullying, bullying, harassment, cyberspace, technology, daemon, multitasking, operating systems, computer program, background process, SSH, data center, computer systems, data storage systems, redundant, power supply, database, data, data mining, data sets, machine learning, statistics, database systems, interdisciplinary, computer science, statistics, data management, data pre-processing, model, inference, complexity, visualization, online updating, data science, data, data mining, information science, computer science, data structure, efficient, data type, data, compiler, interpreter, programming languages, real, integer, Boolean, expression, variable, function, debugging, computer program, computer software, control flow, unit testing, integration testing, log file analysis, application, system, memory dumps, profiling, declaration, computer programming, language construct, identifier, functions, variables, constants, classes, data type, type signature, compiler, strongly typed, forward declaration, digital data, information theory, information systems, representation, digital signal processing, digital processing, digital signal processors, signal processing, samples, continuous variable, discrete event simulation, discrete, state, simulation, disk storage, hard disk drive, floppy disk drive, floppy disk, optical disc drives, optical disc, distributed computing, computer science, networked computers, passing messages, lack of a global clock, SOA-based systems, massively multiplayer online games, peer-to-peer applications, divide and conquer algorithm, algorithm design paradigm, recursion, algorithm, DNS, documentation, computer software, source code, domain, computer program, software engineering, Domain Name System, Internet, domain names, IP addresses, network protocols, distributed, directory service, double-precision floating-point format, computer number format, radix, download, computer networks, server, web server, FTP, email, uploading, file, edge device, routers, switches, integrated access devices, metropolitan area network, wide area network, local area network, encryption, cryptography, encoding, plaintext, ciphertext, pseudo-random, key, algorithm, public-key, symmetric-key, event, asynchronously, handled, event-driven programming, programming paradigm, flow of the program, events, mouse, sensor, messages, threads, graphical user interfaces, web applications, user input, device drivers, P, evolutionary computing, algorithms, global optimization, biological evolution, artificial intelligence, soft computing, metaheuristic, stochastic optimization, executable, instructions, data file, parsed, machine code, CPU, bytecode, scripting language, execution, computer, computer, virtual machine, computer program, semantics, exception handling, computation, program, execution, programming language, computer hardware, interrupts, operating system, IPC, signals, expression, programming language, constants, variables, operators, functions, rules of precedence, stateful, mathematical expressions, fault-tolerant computer system, fault tolerance, feasibility study, natural environment, field, Relational databases, database records, rows, columns, filename extension
2022. jún. 30. 19:15
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/8 anonim ***** válasza:
software testing, compliance, functional requirements, unit testing, validation testing, modules, test plan, system testing, intellectual property, copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, intelligent agent, artificial intelligence, autonomous, agent, environment, learn, knowledge, very complex, thermostat, interface, computer system, software, computer hardware, peripheral, humans, touchscreen, internal documentation, software, source code, variable, documentation, internet, computer networks, Internet protocol suite, internet bot, software application, Internet, web spidering, human, interpreter, computer program, executes, programming, scripting language, compiled, machine language, invariant, logical assertion, loop invariant, iteration, mathematics, computer science, recursion, algorithms, Java, general-purpose, programming language, class-based, object-oriented, dependencies, application developers, write once, run anywhere, compiled, kernel, operating system, memory, library (computing), non-volatile, computer programs, software development, pre-written code, subroutines, classes, values, type, linear search, list, linked list, points, data structure, nodes, sequence, linker, utility, object files, compiler, assembler, executable, library, loading, list, abstract data type, values, sequence, stream, containers, loader, operating system, programs, libraries, executable file, logic error, computer programming, bug, crash, logic programming, programming paradigm, formal logic, programming language, Prolog, answer set programming, Datalog, machine learning, algorithms, statistical models, computer systems, inference, artificial intelligence, mathematical model, training data, machine vision, process control, systems engineering, computer vision, computer science, mathematical logic, mathematics, logic, metamathematics, foundations of mathematics, theoretical computer science, formal systems, deductive, proof, matrix, mathematics, rectangular, irregular matrix, numbers, symbols, expressions, memory, computer, recording media, data, merge sort, comparison-based, sorting algorithm, stable sort, divide and conquer algorithm, John von Neumann, Goldstine, von Neumann, method, object-oriented programming, procedure, message, object, methodology, software engineering, software development, design, product management, project management, deliverables, modem, hardware, transmission medium, modulates, carrier wave, digital information, demodulates, signal, light-emitting diodes, radio, digital data, computer, electrical signal, telephone lines, natural language processing, linguistics, computer science, information engineering, artificial intelligence, natural language, speech recognition, natural language understanding, natural language generation, node, data structure, linked list, tree, data, pointers, number theory, pure mathematics, integers, integer-valued functions, numerical analysis, algorithms, approximation, symbolic manipulations, mathematical analysis, discrete mathematics, numerical method, numerical analysis, object, variable, data structure, function, method, value, memory, identifier, class-based, object-oriented programming, instance, class, relational, database, object code, compiler, statements, machine code, binary, register transfer language, goal, object-oriented analysis and design, object-oriented programming, object-oriented programming, programming paradigm, objects, data, fields, procedures, this, class-based, instances, classes, types, open-source software, computer software, source code, license, copyright, distribute the software, collaborative public manner, open collaboration, operating system, System software, computer hardware, software, services, computer programs, optical fiber, transparent, fiber, drawing, glass, silica, human hair, fiber-optic communications, bandwidths, metal, loss, electromagnetic interference, pair programming, agile software development, programmers, code, reviews, parallel computing, computation, processes, bit-level, instruction-level, data, task parallelism, parameter, computer programming, variable, subroutine, definition of a subroutine, peripheral, pointer, object, programming languages, memory address, computer memory, memory-mapped, computer hardware, computer architecture, postcondition, computer programming, predicate, formal specification, assertions, precondition, computer programming, predicate, code, formal specification, code, Security, primary storage, primitive data type, priority queue, abstract data type, queue, stack, procedural programming, procedure, computer programming, task, libraries, method, umbrella term, program lifecycle phase, computer program, execution, programming language, formal language, set of instructions, output, computer programming, algorithms, programming language implementation, computer programs, interpretation, compilation, programming language theory, computer science, programming languages, features, mathematics, software engineering, linguistics, cognitive science, journals, Prolog, logic programming, artificial intelligence, computational linguistics, first-order logic, formal logic, programming languages, declarative programming, relations, rules, computation, Python, interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language, Guido van Rossum, code readability, significant whitespace, language constructs, object-oriented, programmers, quantum computing, quantum-mechanical, superposition, entanglement, computation, queue, collection, quicksort, efficient, sorting algorithm, random access, file, array, R programming language, programming language, free software, statistical computing, statisticians, data miners, statistical software, data analysis, radix, digital numeral systems, digits, positional, binary system, computing, record, struct, data structure, database, spreadsheet, rows, recursion, linguistics, logic, mathematics, computer science, function, reference, datum, variable, record, computer, memory, storage device, dereferencing, reference counting, references, pointers, handles, garbage collection, relational database, database, relational model, E. F. Codd, relational database management system, SQL, reliability engineering, systems engineering, lifecycle management, availability, regression testing, functional, non-functional tests, bug, configuration, electronic components, change impact analysis, requirements analysis, systems engineering, software engineering, requirements, stakeholders, robotics, engineering, science, mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering, computer science, robots, computer systems, sensory feedback, information processing, round-off error, algorithm, quantization error, equations, numerical analysis, estimate, numerical errors, truncation errors, router, networking device, data packets, computer networks, Internet, web page, email, forwarded, internetwork, node, routing table, computer networking, data table, router, network host, metrics, topology of the network, run time, computer program, life cycle, executed, central processing unit, machine code, run time error, runtime error, compile-time, compiler, Type checking, register allocation, code generation, programming languages, division by zero, array subscript out of bounds, arithmetic underflow, overflow, search algorithm, algorithm, search problem, search space, domain, discrete or continuous values, secondary storage, input/output, selection sort, in-place, comparison, sorting algorithm, O, time complexity, insertion sort, auxiliary memory, semantics, programming language theory, programming languages, syntactically, strings, platform, model of computation, sequence, mathematics, order, set, members, function, natural numbers, Fibonacci sequence, even, positive integers, computing, computer science, strings, words, lists, computer memory, streams, serializability, concurrency control, databases, transaction processing, transactional, transactional memory, software transactional memory, distributed, schedule, isolation, transactions, concurrency control, serialization, data structures, object, file, buffer, network, references, objects, methods, marshalling, service level agreement, Internet service providers, telcos, throughput, jitter, set, abstract data type, order, mathematical, finite set, collection, software, data, computer, physical hardware, computer science, software engineering, information, computer systems, programs, data, computer programs, libraries, data, online documentation, digital media, software agent, authority, Siri, chatbots, human-robot interaction, natural language understanding, Asimo, software construction, software engineering, software, coding, verification, unit testing, integration testing, debugging, software engineering, software design, software testing, software deployment, software system, software design, agent, software artifact, goals, constraints, requirements, programming, software development, programming, documenting, testing, bug fixing, applications, frameworks, maintaining, source code, structured, software development process, software engineering, software development, design, product management, project management, deliverables, agile, waterfall, prototyping, iterative and incremental development, spiral development, rapid application development, extreme programming, software engineering, engineering, development, software, computing, software maintenance, software engineering, software prototyping, prototypes, software program, software development, prototyping, mechanical engineering, manufacturing, software requirements specification, software system, developed, functional, non-functional requirements, use cases, software testing, quality, software, software bugs, sorting algorithm, algorithm, list, order, numerical order, lexicographical order, sorting, efficiency, search, merge, canonicalizing, array, random access, sequential access, source code, computing, comments, programming language, plain text, programmers, assembler, compiler, binary, machine code, execution, interpreted, spiral model, software development process, incremental, waterfall, evolutionary prototyping, stack, abstract data type, collection, peek, state, information technology, statement, computer programming, syntactic, imperative programming language, program, expressions, storage, computer, recording media, data, stream, sequence, data elements, conveyor belt, string, computer programming, sequence, characters, literal constant, data type, array data structure, bytes, words, character encoding, arrays, list, structured storage, SQL, database, storage, retrieval, relational databases, Web 2.0, big data, real-time web, SQL, polyglot-persistent, subroutine, computer programming, task, libraries, method, umbrella term, symbolic computation, mathematics, computer science, algorithms, software, mathematical expressions, mathematical objects, scientific computing, numerical computation, floating point numbers, variables, syntax, computer language, statements, expressions, programming languages, source code, markup languages, syntax error, syntax, tokens, compile-time, interpreted languages, program execution, (static) semantic, system console, operator, BIOS, boot loader, kernel, init, system logger, text terminal, graphical terminal, computer terminals, virtual consoles, terminal emulators, standard streams, stdin, stdout, stderr, technical documentation, documentation, development, end user, manual, third-generation programming language, high-level, programming language, machine code, first-generation, assembly languages, second-generation, fourth, fifth, ALGOL, BASIC, C, COBOL, Fortran, Java, Pascal, top-down and bottom-up design, tree, abstract data type, tree structure, parent node, nodes, type theory, formal systems, set theory, foundation for all mathematics, upload, computer networks, data, server, Uniform Resource Locator, web resource, computer network, Uniform Resource Identifier, http, ftp, mailto, JDBC, user, computer, network, service, Power users, computer programming, system administration, user agent, software agent, user, web browser, mail user agent, user interface, decision-making, operating systems, tools, heavy machinery, process, ergonomics, psychology, user interface design, user interfaces, software, usability, user experience, user-centered design, variable, computer programming, memory address, reference, source code, bound, run time, program execution, virtual machine, emulation, computer architectures, V-Model, software development process, waterfall model, general V-model, coding, testing, waterfall model, sequential, engineering design, software development, waterfall, analysis, design, construction, testing, deployment, maintenance, Waveform Audio File Format, audio file format, Microsoft, IBM, PCs, Resource Interchange File Format, bitstream format, 8SVX, AIFF, Amiga, Macintosh, Microsoft Windows, linear pulse-code modulation, web crawler, Internet bot, World Wide Web, Web indexing, Wi-Fi, IEEE 802.11, local area networking, Internet, Wi-Fi Alliance, interoperability, XHTML, XML, markup languages, HyperText Markup Language, web pages
2022. jún. 30. 19:16
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/8 A kérdező kommentje:
Azért kell, hogy valamennyire tudjam őket
2022. jún. 30. 19:51
 5/8 anonim ***** válasza:

Talán elsőre ami eszembe jutnak: adat modell, eljárás, függvény, változó, adat típus, egész, lebegőpontos, szöveg (string), tömb, objektum, metódus, konstruktor, adat, kód, kódrendszer, kódszó, számábrázolás, számrendszerek, bináris kód, oktális kód, hexadecimális kód, fordító program, linker, compiler, IDE, forráskód, tárgykód, futtatható kód, programnyelv, szintatktika, szemantika, adatszerkezet. Regiszter, CPU, memória, periféria, háttértár, fájl, fájltípus, fájlszerkezet, job, task, process, folyamat, szál, szemafor, user, jogosultság, memória kezelés, verem (stack), eljárás hívás, szubrutin, szubrutin hívás.

Összeadás, kívonás, szorzás, osztás /ide értve az egész osztást is/, hatványozás, operátorok, logikai műveletek, boole algebra, De Morgan azonosságok. Progrtamozási tételek, rendezés, min-max eljárás, fa, b-fa, feszítőfa.

2022. jún. 30. 20:33
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 6/8 anonim ***** válasza:
2022. jún. 30. 20:38
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 7/8 anonim ***** válasza:
Szerintem egy ideig a 2-3. válaszoló által felsoroltakkal tudsz mit kezdeni. :) Elfog tartani egy darabig.
2022. jún. 30. 21:09
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 8/8 anonim ***** válasza:

Kérdező 4. (2022.06.30. 19:51) "Azért kell, hogy valamennyire tudjam őket" Bocs de totálisan el vagy tévedve. A programozás nem olyan, hogy "fogalom" "magyarázat" és akkor tudunk programozni. Meg az sem, hogy az ember hallott már x fogalomról és akkor ő mekkora császár. Nálunk pl. állásinterjúre be se hívjuk azokat akik az önéletrajzukat teleh*ják HBR-ekkel, és különböző egymással laza kapcsolatba sem lévő fogalmakkal, hogy "hallottam már" / cizelláltabban megfogalmazva/. Nem, ez a szakma nem erről szól. Szépen el kell kezdeni az elejéről megtanulni, és akkor ahogy haladsz megismered az alapvető fogalmakat.

Sőt ez egy igen széles szakma, és feldobhatunk olyan fogalmakat amikkel valaki akár naponta találkozik, dolgozik vele, te meg lehet, hogy életed végéig soha nem hallasz róla, mert nem lesz rá szükséged.

2022. jún. 30. 23:55
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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