C és C++ nyelvekben miért nem automatikusan nullával lesznek inicializálva a lokális változók?
"Jó. Van egy 10 hektár területem. De hol?"
Jó példa, de mégsem. De amúgy igazad van. Csak azért rossz példa szerintem, mert én így vagyok. Örököltem területet 3 éve. Azóta se tálalom hol van. :D.
This lack of initialization is a performance optimization inherited from C, back when computers were slow. Imagine a case where you were going to read in 100,000 values from a file. In such case, you might create 100,000 variables, then fill them with data from the file.
If C++ initialized all of those variables with default values upon creation, this would result in 100,000 initializations (which would be slow), and for little benefit (since you’re overwriting those values anyway).
For now, you should always initialize your variables because the cost of doing so is miniscule compared to the benefit. Once you are more comfortable with the language, there may be certain cases where you omit the initialization for optimization purposes. But this should always be done selectively and intentionally.
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