Az hogy lehet hogy ha a rendszer 32 vagy 64 bites akkor a videokártyánál olvashatunk (néha a leírásban is) olyat hogy 8 bites vagy esetleg 256 bites?

Például jelentheti a videókártya processzora (GPU) és memóriája közötti memóriabusz "szélességét".
"However, size isn't everything, and low-budget or mainstream graphics cards are often equipped with huge local memories for marketing purposes - but at the same time, memory performance is jeopardized. While most modern cards have either a 128 bit or 256 bit wide memory bus, some low to mid-range cards can have a 64 bit wide bus. Simplistically, if there are two buses running at the same speed but one is 128 bits wide and the other is only 64 bits wide, the 128 bit wide bus can deliver twice as much data in the same timeframe compared to what a 64 bit bus offers. Current games demand graphics data stored in the frame buffers, and if the graphics processor must wait on this data, the entire gaming experience can be impacted."
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