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Raspberry / linux felhasználók! Ssh-n keresztül táblagépből monitor?

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egy raspberry-t szeretnék összekötni egy kindle 4-el. találtam is egy tutorialt ( [link] de a 2. lépés ( [link] ahol SSH installálás történik a kindle-re, elakadtam. bemásolom a README_FIRST.txt-t, a kérdés az hogy az usbnet és a cdc_ether-t hol tudom elérni, installálni.

#linux #SSH #raspberry- raspbian
2015. márc. 27. 12:42
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=== Install/Uninstall/Upgrade ===

Nothing fancy, as usual, with a jailbroken Kindle, just use the appropriate update file:

copy it to the Kindle's USB drive's root, then launch it by going to [Menu] -> Settings -> [Menu] -> Update Your Kindle.

DO NOT reboot your device with a custom .bin in the Kindle's USB drive's root, it won't work.

When upgrading from a previous version, no need to uninstall anything first, the installer will take care of everything.

If you customized your config file, make sure you check the latest default config file to see if anything new was implemented.

=== Usage ===

I'm gonna assume Linux/BSD/OS X here, Windows people, you're on your own.

(Hint: Documentation/usb/linux.inf in the Linux source tree. The K4 Wiki page might aso be of some help).

* First of all, you'll need proper support for this stuff in your Kernel. (If you're using

OS X or aren't rolling your own kernel, you probably don't need to bother with this).


(Still, a note to the poor Windows users: Yes, that means you'll need a non-default driver.)

* Plug & mount your Kindle.

* Take a moment to read, and edit, if need be, the config file in usbnet/etc/config.

In case you managed to miss the shiny warnings there: this *HAS* to use UNIX line endings,

and I really wouldn't recommend editing this while you're in usbnet mode.

(Note to K4 users: Make sure to keep USE_VOLUMD set to true, it's known to make things much smoother on the K4).

I'd also recommend making sure everything works with a plain eth over usb telnet/ssh shell

before fiddling around in there. Same thing with enabling the 'auto' enable at boot feature,

make sure everything works like you want it to before shooting yourself in the foot with that.

All of these settings are now available in a friendly KUAL menu :).

Running at least KUAL 2.1 is recommended for the best user experience.

* Now would be a good time to setup your public key if you intend to auth over SSH via shared keys.

Which you should, because it's awesome, especially with the help of an SSH agent :D.

The pubkeys are stored, in OpenSSH format, in usbnet/etc/authorized_keys (ie. you can safely use

a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 file from OpenSSH).

Also, it's the preferred method of auth when using SSH over WiFi, because it's way more elegant

than switching (or remembering) the root password (Because you *WILL* need to auth properly over WiFi).

For a quick HOWTO, check this post by ixtab: [link]

* unmount & eject your Kindle

(You might also want to unplug it, some devices behave strangely when toggling usbnet/usbms while plugged in).

* You'll need to be in debug mode to run private commands, so, on the Home screen, bring up the

search bar (by hitting [DEL] on devices with a keyboard, or the keyboard key on a K4, for example), and enter:


* And now we can enable usbnet:


(Or `usbNetwork on FW 2.x)

* Your Kindle should now be detected as something like a RNDIS/Ethernet Gadget or CDC Ethernet Device network adapter.

* If you don't need to enter any more private commands, switch debug off.


* Now, to actually connect to the device, we'll need to bring the shiny usb network interface

the kernel prepared for us. I'm assuming it's the only USB network interface in the system, so, usb0 on Linux.

I'm also assuming the default usbnet config, ie. HOST_IP= & KINDLE_IP=

/!\ K4 users /!\

On the K4, the defaults are different (to match Amazon's defaults in diags): HOST_IP= & KINDLE_IP=

Note to OS X users: You'll probably have to configure the network interface manually via OS X's GUI.

If you're also using a Kindle Touch or a Kindle 4 in diags, make sure you update your settings accordingly if you use some

kind of automated network setup (Windows/OS X/Network Manager), because those devices default to different settings.

Also, if your distribution is using a recent udev version, it might be using the new predictable network interface names

(cf. [link] so be wary of that.

You can get a hint of the correct name by piping the dmesg output to grep usb0: for example, on my box,

the current USB slot causes it to be named a very poetic enp0s26f7u5 (systemd-udevd[26718]: renamed network interface usb0 to enp0s26f7u5).

# ifconfig usb0

In a similar vein, if you plan to use more than one Kindle concurrently, you'll have to tweak the MAC addresses of the

USB network interface. For more detaisl about this kind of setup, you might want to check these two posts out:

[link] & [link]

* Depending on how your system set USB permissions up, you may still need to be root to connect to the device over USB.

I'm assuming you have a proper udev setup, so, I'll switch to a user shell now.

$ ssh root@


$ telnet

Note that, when WiFi mode is enabled, telnetd won't be started, and the SSH daemon *WILL* require a proper password!

When WiFi mode is disabled, telnet will log you right in without password, and SSH will log you in with anything as

the password (even a blank one, so you can just type return).

* Like I said at the beginning, if you don't understand half of what you're doing here, go away before you brick your Kindle.

It's for your own good.

* When you're done, exit your shell on the Kindle, and bring the network interface down before ejecting/unplugging your Kindle.

# ifconfig usb0 down

=== Enable @ boot ===

If you want your Kindle to default to usbnet mode, instead of mass storage, drop a blank 'auto' file in the usbnet folder,

and restart your Kindle.

Make sure your setup/config is working before, though ;).

It should be starting a little while *before* the framework, so it's very, very useful to get out of a framework boot failure,

so if you're serious about playing with your Kindle, you'll probably want to run at least your main dev Kindle that way :).

If you're unsure about the timing, drop a blank 'verbose' file in the usbnet folder, that'll make the hack print important parts of

the log (like when the SSHD server is actually started) on the bottom of the screen.

=== Using OpenSSH instead of dropbear ===

You can now use OpenSSH instead of dropbear! Just set USE_OPENSSH to true in the config file, and restart your Kindle.

(If you customized your config file, you may have to update it with the latest default one found in the zip archive).

Keep in mind that OpenSSH will *ALWAYS* check the passwords, unlike dropbear in non-wifi mode, so, make sure you auth via shared keys, or know

your passwords! (Hint: run kindletool info $(cat /proc/usid) on your device ;). Unless you already changed your password once, the first password shown will be the right one).

Why would you want to use OpenSSH? Simply because the login is quite a bit faster if your client doesn't handle ECC key exchanges…

(There's apparently a regression in dropbear/libtom{crypt,math} that slows it down to noticeable levels, and the libtomfastmath branch of dropbear is even worse on the Kindle…).

2015. márc. 27. 12:44
 2/3 A kérdező kommentje:
nemigazán találtam semmi használhatót a neten, usbnet kernel modul kapcsán...
2015. márc. 27. 13:06
 3/3 A kérdező kommentje:
a kindle ssh hack is sikerült valószínűleg jól, mert el lehet rajta indítani az usbNetwork-ot de mégsem érzkeli sem a RPi sem más számítógép. Mittom én hol a probléma, fosok rá
2015. márc. 29. 16:39

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