A határon túli magyar lakta területeket miért nem lehetett volna visszacsatolni a keleti blokk ideje alatt?

Trianon csak szentesítette a változásokat, az ország már 1918-ban felbomlott.
Horvátország amúgy is csak perszonálunióban állt Magyarországgal, tehát azt ne számold bele, bármikor joga volt kilépni. Szlovénia és Dalmácia pedig már osztrák birtok volt. A szlovákok kimondták az elszakadást a magyaroktól, ahogyan az erdélyi románok is csatlakoztak Romániához. Ha nem lett volna Trianon, akkor szépen fegyverrel elfoglalják ameddig jónak látják, esélytelen lettek volna a magyarok egyszerre 3 országgal szemben.
A nemzetiségekről meg ennyit:
Határ menti területeken éltek csak magyarok, illetve ahogy mondod Székelyföld, de kivitelezhetlen lett volna megtartani, annyira a belső erdélyi területekre esik.

Kedves 10-es, undorító volt ahogy a magyar területeket tengerentúli afrikai ásziai gyarmatok elszakadásához hasonlítottad, amelyek politikailag sem képezték integráns részét a hódító gyarmatosító európai államoknak. Olyan mintha almát és narancsokat hasonlítanál össze. Tudod a mozdony az nem tejföl.
Másrészről nem volt szavazás a határokról.
Trianon was against Wilson's self-determination theory,because it WASN'T based on democratic referendums (general equal&secret ballots). It was not a wonder that Czech, Romanian and Serbian politicians PROTESTED against the very idea of democratic referendums about the borders. Czech politicians didn't trust in Slovaks, because only very few Slovaks joined to the so-called "Czechoslovak"army against the Hungarians in 1919 (and Slovaks represented only 50% ratio in Northen parts of Hungary). Romanian politicians didn't trust in Transylvanian Romanians, perhabs they didn't want to join to backward & poor Romania (the ratio of romanians were only 53% in Transylvania). Serbs were small minority (22% !!!) in Voivodine. Similar to Romania, Serbia was also a very backward Orthodox country without serious urbanization or industrialization.
It was not wonder that the USA and president Wilson did not signed this anti-democratic dictate.
There were only one democratic referendum about the borders between Hungary and Austria: The Sopron area referendum in Western Hungary in 1921, where Entente officers were the leaders of the voting districts, there were general equal and secret ballots with electoral registers (or poll books) of the LOCAL residents, and every local citizen could take part in the elections over 18year, regardless the ethnicity, social status or sex)
The "national councils" were brutal mockery and caricature of democracy.
1. Only the Romanians/Czechoslovaks/Serbs were allowed to vote, and only men were allowed to vote. Hungarians were not allowed to participate in the elections.
2. The elections of the envoys of "national" councils were not even locally documented, only the decision of the self-appointed and locally established "national" councils.
3.There weren't secret ballot systems in that "elections", the elections were held as public open ballot/voting, with the simple raise of their hands.
4. There were not so-called "minimal voter turnout", it means that even few gathered people of a (single ethnicity "voters") in a very small pub/bar (as it often happened) could decide the future/fate of whole huge cities.....
5. These so-called "elections" didn't use any ELECTORAL REGISTERS (or POLL BOOKS) of the LOCAL RESIDENTS,
thus it made the gerrymandering directly possible. Like the participation of foreign voters from other countries and from foreign settlements were common, thus many people take part in the "elections" who had not any relationship with the area of the actual voting districts. So without electoral registers, even foreign stranger "voters" could participate in the elections (An open possibility for brutal gerrymandery) T The participation of foreign Serbian soldiers in the elections was usual in Southern Hungary Voivodine too. Without electoral registers of local residents, a single voter could vote in many many districts, thus a single man could vote in many many times in many places and voting districts without any problems...
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