Még mindig Macron, és a kormányzata ellen.Egyszerűen nem fulladtak ki annyira a tüntetések, úgy hogy most leginkább a korrupció, és az "elit" ellen tüntetnek.Nézd meg erről az Euronews egyik videóját.
Macron személyileg egoista, nárcisztikus, opportunista (nem, nem Origo és 888 olvasó vagyok), és ez a felmérésekben is megmutatkozik.Félre értés ne essék, nem vagyok idehaza a kormány politikájának a szimpatizánsa, ugyanakkor ez a valóság.
Jött egy fiatal arc, akiben láttak a franciák egy lehetőséget, a kisugárzása miatt.És hát nem jött be.
"End of the tax hike on fuel.
Tax on marine fuel oil and kerosene.
Monthly minimum wage at 1,300 euros net ($1947 CAD per month after taxes).
Indexing of all wages, pensions and allowances to inflation.
Nationalization of the fuel for home heating and electricity sectors.
More progressive income tax (more marginal tax brackets).
The end of the austerity.
No withholding tax.
Restoring the taxes for the ultra-wealthy.
Same social security system for all workers, including the self-employed.
The pension system must remain in solidarity and therefore socialized.
No retirement pension below 1,200 euros ($1797/month CAD).
Increase of disability allowances.
Retirement at age 60, and a right to early retirement at 55 for workers who have worked a hard manual labour job.
Continuation of the Pajemploi help system until the child is 10 years old.
End of outsourcing of work for French corporations.
Limit the number of fixed-term contracts for large companies, replaced with more full time employment.
End of the business tax credit. Use this money for the launch of a French hydrogen car industry.
Eliminate credit card fees for merchants.
Lower employers' charges.
Continue exemption of farm diesel.
Improve the lives of the elderly, by banning exploitation and making money off the elderly.
Substantial boosts in mental health fund.
Prohibition of glyphosate.
Immediate end to temporary foreign worker programs.
Plan for improving insulation of housing (help the environment by helping the household).
Rent control. More low-rent housing (especially for students and precarious workers).
Treat the root causes of forced migration.
Fair treatment of asylum seekers . We owe them housing, security, food and education. Work with the UN to have host camps open in many countries around the world, pending the outcome of the asylum application.
Return of unsuccessful asylum seekers to their country of origin.
Real integration policy is implemented. Living in France means becoming French (French language course, French history course and civic education course with certification at the end of the course)."
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